Chapter 3 : Showcase

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Neo's POV

"You ready?" Damien asked.

Yeah. Uhhh wait, I'm not wearing my combat uniform.

"Oh yeah, right. Go inside and change and I'll be right here when you get back." Damien said. Hmmm let's see if I can surprise him. I used my semblance to change my outfit (her volume 7 clothes) which seemingly caused him to gasp.

"Ahhh so this is your semblance? Interesting." Damien said.

Yep. I have a very overactive imagination, meaning I can create illusions that can trick anyone that is within viewing range. It makes basic tasks like changing clothes easier.

"Well, in that case, this should be more fun than I thought." Damien said as he suddenly faded into a black like mist like when he saved me that night.

Whoa...where did he go?

I began to cautiously walk through the backyard and awaited his attack. I could faintly hear a slight whispering coming from all around me. He's getting closer...I can feel it. Suddenly, the whispers turned into a loud scream as he swung his sword downwards, emerging from the black mist. Thankfully, due to my reaction speed, I blocked his attack with my umbrella and drove the handle of it into his stomach, sending him flying backwards a few feet. He smirked and I took the opportunity to attack him but he blocked it almost immediately and wrapped my arm around my neck and threw me to the side. I have a neat trick I would like to try. I spun my umbrella and activated my illusion to vanish before his very eyes.

"Huh...turnabout is fair play. Unfortunately-" He said as I broke the illusion and attacked, only to have him block my attack. "-it's hard to surprise me." He finished his sentence then pushed me away with his foot and we clashed once more with our own respective weapons.

"You're good...really good..." Damien said. I smirked at his compliment then attempted a leg sweep only to have him jump over my leg and attempt a kick himself. I dodged it and we went at each other with a flurry of strikes, unable to get any ground on each other. I noticed his nose was bleeding again which made me immediately figure out his schemes.

You're reading my mind again aren't you?

"I have no idea about whatever it is you're talking about." Damien said as I began to attack him again. He blocked all my attacks as I did the same for his and after a while, this was actually beginning to become fun. He noticed my smiling and chuckled.

"I'm glad to see a smile on your face for once." Damien said as I nodded my head and used my illusion to disappear. This made him smile as well as he spun his swords around in a defense way to counter whatever it was I was planning to do. I threw my umbrella at his knee from behind which actually hit him, causing him to jolt in pain before I ran and flung myself at his face with a kick. He grabbed it and spun, throwing me to the side. I glided downwards to the ground using my umbrella and proceeded to take some time to catch my breath. He saw my fatigue, realizing I haven't sparred with anyone in quite some time and nodded.

"Alright. I think that's enough for now. Here." Damien said as he sheathed his swords.

"You up for some breakfast?" Damien asked.

I am getting kinda hungry so...yeah some breakfast would be nice.

"Okay. Let's head inside and I'll make us something." Damien said as we turned and walked inside.


"Are you sure this was him?"

"I'm sure of it. This fits his MO to the finest detail. Hera!?"

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