Chapter 25 : Swan Song

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A few years later...

Life has been good since things ended the way they did with Wesker. My life had certainly calmed down quite a bit with a few exceptions here and there. General Ironwood has sealed away the gem so that no one could get their hands on it ever again. Sarya last I heard is one of the top henchmen...or well henchwomen for the headmaster of Shade Academy and I get to see her every Vytal Festival which is kinda nice. Since then, the Black Legion has been disbanded after the General sent a task force to apprehend them all. Gone were the days of me hiding from the world, and now I'm one of the top Professors at Atlas Academy. I had to wear some suit similar to Ironwood's now per the rules of the school's but I've got to tweak it to my liking a bit. I snapped from my trance due to the sound of the school bell, and all of my students stood up and headed for the door.

"Alright everyone. Make sure you have those book projects done by next Monday. I will not be accepting any late submissions!" I yelled out as I sighed and shook my head. I grabbed my jacket from my chair and headed for the door as it was the end of the school day. I smiled as I looked back before shutting off the lights and headed out, closing the door behind me. I exited the school after saying bye to everyone and took my normal path to get home. I never bothered driving to and from school or taking a cab due to the short distance between my house and the school. I finally arrived at my house around ten minutes later and I smiled just at the thought of what was about to happen. I walked up to the door and opened it before heading inside.

"Daddy!" I heard a kid scream as my daughter ran around the corner and jumped into my leg and hung on for dear life.

"Well hey there sweetie. Did you have a good day?" I asked as she nodded her head. She was born about year and a half after I got my position at Atlas Academy.

"Yeah! I got a one hundred on my test today!"

"Well that's good. I think that deserves a reward. Tomorrow we'll go to the store and get you something nice for the occasion."

"Yaaaay!" The little girl said. She had my black hair but had heterochromatic eyes just like her mother instead she had one pink eye and one gray eye. I always thought it was cool that she had one of both of our eye colors. I heard something fall in the kitchen and I walked inside to Neo standing there with a frustrated look on her face while a bunch of pots and pans were sitting on the floor.

"Uhhh you having issues?" I joked as she crossed her arms and gave me an angry look.

You always gonna be a smartass nowadays?

"Okay let me try this one. How was your day?" I asked as I sat my things down on the kitchen table.

I can't really complain. Young Aurora here decided it was best to make a mess here in the kitchen so I just finished cleaning it up...only to make a mess myself.

"I can tell. Here, I'll help." I said as I hunched over and began picking up the pots and pans from the ground and setting them on the kitchen counter.

Busy day at work?

"Nope. Just a normal school day. Students being immature and everyone being more uptight than my liking."

That's Atlas for you.

"No kidding. However, I can't really complain about our lives right now. We got off pretty lucky. Acquitted of all charges, free house with frequent monitoring from Atlas personnel of course, and now, a family." I said as I looked over at my daughter, who was playing with her toys.

It still sucks that this is the way we have to live our lives. I'm happy with what we have don't get me wrong. It's what I've always wanted. A family of my own, but I don't want to have to live around such two-faced miscreants.

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