Chapter 20 : Fight or Flight

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Neo's POV

We arrived at a nearby inn not too long after we left Ace's homestead. Ace has made a few calls to arrange a party to head into Atlas. We can't have too many people heading in or it will look suspicious, but with my semblance, I can hopefully mask our true selves long enough to get into Atlas undetected.

"Alright guys. I'll be in the room next door if you need me. Get some rest. Tomorrow, we make our way to Atlas." Sarya said as we left for our own respective rooms.

Well...we're actually gonna do this.

"'s not gonna be easy. If we make it there, just know that we have to lie low. We still have to find the woman who owns that gem. She doesn't know what power that thing holds. That and if Wesker gets to her first, things may get a little more difficult. I just hope we get there first."

He'll kill her.

"Precisely. Sarya's right though. We're gonna need all of the rest that we can get." Damien said as he began taking off his armor. I got undressed as well and we both crawled into bed together. I rested my head on his chest as I felt his arm wrap around me, resting his hand just above my hip. I couldn't help but think about this nonstop. This could be the last time I can enjoy a night's sleep with this man again. This could be the last night that we spend together.



I'm scared.

"What of babe?"

This might possibly be the last time that we get to relax together. We both know that there's no guarantee that we'll win this and that scares me because what happens if one of us gets killed?

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

I'm not talking about myself. I saw you almost die in that cave due to that giant Grimm spider and that was enough to break me completely. I froze up, overcome with the thought of losing someone as important to me as you.

"Neopolitan, look at me." Damien said as he sat up and rested his hands on my shoulders. I looked up but my hair was in the way so that he couldn't see my eyes. Damien took his hands off of my shoulders and gently ran his hands over my face, removing my hair from my eyes.

I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you.

"Neo, I can't promise-"

Why can't you?

"Because we don't know how all of this is gonna go. This world is far too dangerous to make promises like that. The Grimm are getting stronger everyday, the forces of evil working from the shadows are plotting something, and the world is far too divided and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon."

Damien, if this is the last time that we'll get to have a calm night's rest, then I need to say a few things to you.

"You can tell me anything."

I love you. I love you more than life itself. The moment I met you, I was scared, lonely, and weak. You took me in, took care of me, and protected me while also putting yourself in harm's way. I was a total stranger, but you didn't care. You did everything you could do to help me...and help me you did in more ways than one. I was a bloodthirsty criminal out for vengeance...but you changed that. I don't know how...but you changed me for the better. Now, all I wanna do settle down and live a normal life alongside you. A small home hidden away from the bad things in the world, a family, a dog, the whole nine yards. I want all of it. I never thought I'd get to have these goals but damn it, I'm tired. I'm tired of just letting life slip by me as if nothing is worth even giving a try. After all of this, I want to step away from fighting...and live my life as if it was normal for a change. I want you there with me. I want...

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