Chapter 9 : Recovery

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Damien's POV

Author's Note: First and foremost, this story has done a little better than I had expected so I wanna thank everyone who's decided to give this story a try. It truly means a lot to me as I have recently came back to writing and to know that people actually still wanna check out my stuff really puts a smile on my face. You are all amazing as hell and I hope that I continue to see you all in the future. Also, sorry for the wait for a new chapter. I've been in a lot of physical pain lately and it was turning me away from writing. I hope you understand.

I finally got to leave the hospital a day or two later and my body felt a little bit stronger than it did when I first woke up. Neo hasn't left my side and honestly, I don't know how I could have gotten back up to speed as fast without her. I have been mostly dormant, sitting in our room at the inn and not ever really leaving unless I had to. I was sitting on the couch, watching TV until the door to the room opened and Neo walked in holding a box. She closed the door behind her and hurried over to me.

"You seem excited. What's the occasion?" I asked.

Well I met up with Sarya and she helped me get an outfit for the big bash coming up.

"Couldn't you just materialize yourself a new outfit?" I asked.

Hey, I wanted to do it right and in your words, without a 'flashy' semblance.

"I still haven't decided if I was gonna go. I...don't want anyone to see me like this." I said as her face fell.

Oh no. You're not getting out of this one. You did something good for this town. You confronted your past yet again and this time, without your weapon and armor. So, you and I are gonna enjoy ourselves and I'm not taking no for an answer.

"I see you've contracted Sarya's assertiveness. I just feel weak and I don't know if I can exactly move too much. You heard the doctor as I was leaving. I have to make sure that I get plenty of rest." I said as she frowned. don't want to go?

"Oh I'm going, but only if you're there with me."

That's what I was wanting in the first place dum dum.

"Is that your new nickname for me? Dum dum?" I asked.

Yeah...dum dum.

"I see. I'll have to come up with a nickname for you later. Can you reach me my cane please?" I asked as Neo walked over and grabbed it and stopped. She sat and stared at it for a while before shaking her head and handing it over.


"What's wrong?" I asked.

It's nothing...

"You usually tell me what's on your mind. What's the difference now?"

Roman used a cane...I'm sorry. I know that sounds like a dumb reason to get caught up in my thoughts.

"I don't think that's dumb at all. You went through a lot at his side. You cherish every memory you made with him. I completely understand. I didn't mean to make you upset." I said as she quickly began shaking her head.

Don't be sorry. You couldn't have known.

I slowly raised up to my feet with the aid of my cane and began to slowly lumber through the room. Neo stayed close to me to help support my balance as we headed to the balcony door. I opened the door and found a seat outside and sunk straight into it. Neo sat in the chair next to me as we took in the beautiful sunny weather. There was nothing but clear skies so that the sun could beam downwards on us and the rest of the team. I propped my feet up on the railing that kept residents from falling off of the balcony.

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