Chapter 18 : Cybernetics

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Later in Vacuo...

Sarya's POV(Yeah, we're doing something different this chapter)

I need answers...answers to what happened to Eva. Answers to why she's gone. Was it because of me? Was it because I didn't treat her right? Or was it something else? I need to find out.

"Hey lady." One guy said as I looked over at him, concealing the bottom half of my face with my mask. He was short for a male his age and he, along with his friends, looked like they were up to good. He seemed like he recently got into a fight with a truck...and lost because of course he would.

"Beat it shortstop." I said, mocking his smaller stature, causing his group of misfits to chuckle in response. I made my way through town and noticed the hole in the wall of the bar. It looked rather new. As if it was just recently made. It's none of my concern. I pressed on to Shade Academy, hoping that an old friend of mine could lead me to the answers I seek. She's a teacher here, and let's just say that she owes me a favor. I just hope she's here. I walked inside and was immediately stopped by security.

"Whoa buddy. I recommend you take your hands off of me. Didn't you know that touching a lady without consent isn't polite?" I asked.

"You're trespassing on private property. Not to mention that you are in possession of a deadly weapon." The guard said as I stared at my staff, not ejecting the hidden blade on the inside.

"Really? You're afraid of a woman with a stick?" I asked.

"That's enough everyone." The school's headmaster said as they stepped forward.

"What's up boss?" I asked.

"Sarya...just tell me what you're doing here."

"Well I need to have a chat with Veronica. Do you think you can fetch her for me?"

"Wait right here." The headmaster said as I stood there and waited for Veronica to arrive and after a minute or two, she finally did.

"Sarya...what brings you here?" She asked as I hugged her.

"Hey V. I just needed to check in with you and see if you can help me with something." I said.

"Absolutely. Can we talk in private though?" Veronica asked.

"I was actually about to ask you the same thing. Right this way." I said as we exited the school.

"I didn't know you was back in town."

"I'm only here to figure out something. That's kind of why I'm here talking to you now." I said.

"Well I'm glad to see that you're doing good. What can I help you with?"

"I need info on a missing persons case." I said.

"Sarya, you're still not looking for her are you?" Veronica asked.

"Eva was my girlfriend Veronica. She was there for me when everything went to shit back in the day. I need to find her...or at the very least, find out what happened to her." I said.

"I know...okay? Look, I haven't followed up on her story in forever. There's been so recent sightings of her, no one matching her description, and no one coming forward to reveal themselves as Eva."

"There has to be something...please..." I said.

"I'm sorry Sarya...but I've got nothing. If I could do anything to help, I would but it doesn't seem as if the world wants you to figure out what happened." Veronica said as I sighed.

"Maybe you're right." I said.

"Hey, well I'm glad you decided to get rid of the magician's look. I'm not sure how much more I could tolerate seeing you in a top hat."

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