Chapter 5 : Desolo

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Neo's POV

The train came to a stop and everyone on board began to stand up. Damien looked at me and stood up as he escorted me out of the train cart. It's a small town by the name of Desolo. I have never been here before but Damien insists that it's a not so bad place aside from the usual Grimm attacks.

"There's an inn in the center of town. We can stay there." Damien said as we headed through the train terminal and onto the streets. The buildings weren't super tall, but they weren't exactly short. We continued walking until we arrived at the front door of the inn with a neon sign that read:

The Iron Sanctuary

"Come on. Let's get us a room." Damien said as we headed inside. There was a bar on the ground level and it was entirely too busy. Yeah there were people, but the place wasn't filled to the brim. Damien and I walked up to the bar and awaited the bartender. The lady walked over and smiled at the two of us.

"Welcome to the Iron Sanctuary, what can I do for ya?" She asked.

"I'd like to rent a room." Damien said.

"Okay. That's gonna be 150 lien." She said as Damien nodded and threw a clip of money onto the bar.

"Consider that a tip." Damien said.

"Your room is the furthest one on the right on the second floor." The bartender said.

"Thanks. Come on Neo." Damien said as he and I walked to our room. The bartender followed us so that she could unlock the door for us and afterwards, she returned to her station downstairs. Damien walked in and shut the door behind us both and proceeded to lock it.

"So far so good. We're in the clear now so we shouldn't have to worry about them anymore." Damien said.

Well at least we get a chance to relax for once.

"No kidding." Damien said as he began closing the blinds on the windows and began taking his gauntlets off.

What do we do now?

"Whatever we want. This place is rather quiet naturally so we may want to be discreet for the time being." Damien said.

Well in that case, I'm gonna relax.

"Hey, kick your feet back. You certainly deserve the rest."

So do you.

"I don't need rest right now. I need us to be safe. Then I'll rest." Damien said.

No, sit down with me. There's a TV and after all the stress, it'd be nice for you to finally take your mind off of everything.

"If you say so." Damien said as he sat next to me on the couch. The couch had a pull-out recliner option that I promptly turned on using a lever on the side of the couch. I grabbed the remote on the end table next to me and began to channel surf. I flipped through all kinds of channels until I came across a news channel that was reporting a house that was recently burned down. Damien saw it too and I could tell it upset him. I then put two and two together. I nudged his shoulder, getting his attention.

Are you okay?

"I just...I don't know. I feel like everything is crumbling apart. I was isolated from everyone and everything for so long until that day we met. My past is catching up with me and all I can feel right now is...fear. I know, ME being scared. Crazy right?"

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