Chapter 7 : Revelation

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Neo's POV

Damien and I walked through town, seeing what the place has to offer. They had a small bowling alley, plenty of weapon and clothes shops, and a few restaurants here and there. There was also a pier overlooking an ocean. The view was beautiful, but we wanted to do something different. Damien and I went to grab some pizza at the pizza place and we immediately headed down to pier. We found an empty bench and promptly sat down and began eating.

"You see? This is nice. Getting to relax for once is always a good thing." Damien said.


"What's on your mind?"

I don't know...I'm just worried.

"About the Black Legion I presume?"

About everything...I'm afraid. There's people out to get you and I feel like I'm gonna get in the way at some point.

"No you won't. Honestly you're making this easier. Going through it alone would be tough. Believe me, I'd know. You're talking to someone who hasn't barely any human contact in almost a year before I met you."

I just don't want anything bad to happen to you because of me. I already feel bad enough as it is and if something bad were to happen, then I don't know what I would do.

"Neo look at me." Damien said as I looked over at him and frowned.

"I will keep on saying it if I have to. You aren't to blame for what's going on. Sooner or later, I figured my past would catch up to me. That night I saved you, I'm gonna be honest, I was nervous. I saw it as a huge risk. Expose myself and save you, or move on and let my spirit die even more. Obviously, you know what choice I made and if you think I regret it in the slightest, then I'm gonna go ahead and tell you that you're wrong." Damien said as I could feel the tears begin to fill up in my eyes. I shoved my hands into my face so that he couldn't see me cry. I felt him softly touch my hands and pull them away from my face. He put his finger up to my chin and lifted my head to where I was staring into his eyes.

" are one of the best things to have happened to me as of late. I have told you this before, and I'll say it again. I'll continue to say this for as long as I know you. Even if you think that you're gonna get me hurt or worse, I will NEVER place the blame on you. Not for anything that's happened so far, and not for anything that could happen." Damien said.

But I caused you to lose your home. I caused you to bring back parts of your life that you never wanted to experience again. I can't imagine the pain I've put you through.

"Neo stop blaming yourself...please..." Damien said as I could see his face begin to fall. I leaned my head forward onto his shoulder and wrap my arms around his neck. He was surprised by the sudden embrace, but I needed this and when I felt him hug me back, I could tell he needed it too. Suddenly, we heard an explosion a few blocks behind us which caused us both to jump. We both turned around and I started to slowly pull away from the hug. He grabs me by the arms and looks me in the eyes.

"Neo...get back to the inn." He said.

Are you crazy?

"No...this isn't good. This isn't Grimm. I need you get out of sight." He said as I grabbed my umbrella.

I'm not going anywhere.

"NEO! I'm not letting them see you. Go..NOW!" Damien yelled as I saw his eye color flicker from gray to a scarlet red.


I ran away as Damien began running in the direction of the explosion.

Damien's POV

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