Chapter 4 : Escalation

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Damien's POV

"Neo we need to talk." I said.

What about?

"You staying here. It isn't safe." I said.

It isn't safe for you either Damien. You've helped me so allow me to repay the favor.

"No Neo. This is a really big problem and the less people that know about you, the better. I don't want you getting mixed up in this." I said as I started throwing on my armor.

Damien, that night we met. You didn't even know me, but you helped me anyways. You could've just moved on like nothing happened and that would have been the end if it...but you didn't. You saved me from whatever those guys were gonna do and for that I'm grateful. You may think you have to do this alone, but you don't. I know I said before that I wouldn't be sticking around for long, but I'm not going anywhere just yet. I'm here to help however I can.

"Neo I need to know if you are absolutely sure about this. I won't fault you if you wanna back out now. There's no going back after this." I said.

I'm sure.

"Okay...well...we're gonna have to go now. My guess is that Hera reported back on my whereabouts and when they find out that she's not exactly responding to their calls, they'll be here soon. I'll dispose of the body. You meet me at the train station. I have an old friend who owes me a favor." I said as I grabbed Hera's body by her wrist and leg and hoisted her over my shoulders in a fireman's carry position. Neo followed me downstairs and began tugging on my left sleeve right above my silver gauntlet.

I don't think it's a great idea for us to split up.

"They don't know about you at the moment and I would prefer it to stay that way. If they show up...then at least you'll be in a safe place." I said as I exited the house and carried her over to the lake that sat down a hill behind my house.

Yeah but what about you?

"I'll be there. Just have to take care of a few things. I promise. Use your semblance and disguise yourself as someone else just in case." I said as Neo crossed her arms and looked at the ground.

"Hey look at me." I said as I pressed my finger to her chin and lifted it so that our eyes met once again.

"I'll be okay. I'll will be there immediately after I am done here. I'm gonna cover our tracks...while also changing the story of what happened here." I said as she nodded and hurried off. I sighed and dumped Hera's body into a canoe. I threw an old pendant that she gave me years ago back in Haven into the canoe. I walked to the shed and grabbed a gas can and carried it back over to the canoe. I poured gas all over Hera's body and the canoe itself before igniting the center of it and swiftly kicking it away. I sighed once more. She went off the deep end sure, but she was still an old friend. I turned and headed back up the hill, still carrying the gas canister. I took a deep breath as I began pouring gasoline onto the front porch and carefully kept pouring as I walked inside and made sure to cover up as much ground as possible. I continued pouring as I went upstairs poured all the way until I reached my room. I dumped what was left as I threw the can to the side and walked over to a picture of me and Khloe. She never liked taking pictures, but she actually liked this one. This was when we first got together...but this was also a time that I don't wish to remember right now. Not with everything going on. I take the picture and fold it up and carry it to the front of the house and lighting it on fire. I took one more breath before throwing it onto the gasoline trail.

"It's for the best..." I said to myself as I turned and walked away from my burning home.

I walked for a good amount of time until I heard the leaves in the forest around me beginning to rustle. I clicked the button on my mask compartment, allowing it to fully sheath the bottom half of my face. I gripped the handles of my swords and awaited my guests. Suddenly, a Beowolf emerged from the bushes and attacked me. I unsheathed one of my swords and let the Beowolf land chest first it, effectively killing it. A few more revealed themselves in front of me and I unsheathed the other one, slammed the handles together, causing it to turn into a double bladed sword. I dashed forward and starting carving into the Grimm one by one. After I was finished with them, I got hit in the face by a larger Grimm that broke my aura and sent me flying to the side. I look up to see the Grimm that sneak attacked me and I can't lie, I was honestly surprised. It...was a Death Stalker. I dashed towards it, blocking all of its attacks before slicing straight through it's stinger. I got hit in the face again, which definitely gonna leave a mark for a while, and was sent backwards once more. I look around the environment, hoping to see something that could give me an edge and I notice a tree that was standing right next to the Death Stalker that looked kinda weak. I dashed forward and cut the tree down, sending it toppling down on top of the Death Stalker. I sliced the Death Stalker a few more times and finally it was dead. I sheath my sword after making sure that was all of them and continued on the path I was on.

A few hours later...

I finally arrived at the train station and I didn't see Neo anywhere. I investigated every part of the station I could but alas, not a sign of her. I began to get worried until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see an older woman holding two donuts. The woman smiled and reached one to me. I figured it out at that moment.

"I'm glad to see that you're safe Neo and thank you." I said as I took a bite but the look on her face changed once she got a better look at me.

Damien your face is all bruised and scratched. What happened?

"Don't worry. I ran into some Grimm on the way here." I said. Neo looked genuinely worried still so I placed my hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"Hey I'm fine. I told you I would meet you here and I did. If anything, I was more worried about you." I said as she smiled and turned away from me and chewed on her donut.

I can't let him see me blush. It's too embarrassing.

"You know I can still hear you right?" I asked as she panicked and dropped her donut. She frowned until I reached her the donut she gave me.

You don't want it?

"Take half of it. I have no problem with sharing." I said as she grabbed the donut and tore it in half and handed me the other half. We sat down on one of the benches and ate until she looked at me and frowned.

Where are we gonna go?

"To be honest with you, I'm not sure. I'm hoping we get far away from the area." I said.


"Trust me, not matter what happens, I'm here. I know you have your personal goals to achieve and I respect that, but hopefully I can help change your mind about doing what you've been thinking about doing." I said.

I still want them dead. I'm not gonna lie to you.


Damien, they took something very important from me. They took the one person who ever gave me a chance to really spread my wings.

"I'm not saying that you shouldn't be angry about what happened. You have every right to be upset. I'm just saying that going for blood will not help. Trust me...I know." I said as I looked at the ground.


"I'm gonna go purchase the train tickets. Save my seat." I said as I got up and walked away.

A Quiet EmbraceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora