Chapter 11 : Reintroduction

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Damien's POV

I woke up and wasn't able to see anything. I was blindfolded. I could hear a few people talking behind me. I could feel my hands were bound to the back of the chair I was in and my feet were also tied to the legs of the chair. I heard footsteps coming towards me and suddenly my blindfold was removed.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." Wesker said as I looked around the room. Neo was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Neo?" I asked.

"Come on man. We haven't talked in so long so I figured you would want to catch up with your old teammate."

"" I repeated. Wesker sighed and punched me in the stomach, causing me to cough violently.

"You know, you're a real asshole Damien. You abandoned us after everything we did for you. You remember the upgrades you're body was given. How are those doing by the way? I heard Gerrik really did a number on you. Then suddenly, he's dead and you're nowhere to be found. That makes two people of mine that's died because of you. Now I could just kill your little girlfriend and call it even but I don't want to break your spirit. After all, we both know how weak you are mentally and that would surely break you and THAT is something that I simply won't have. Now that you're back, you can repay the many favors that were done for you and help us obtain something that we have been looking for as of late."

"What would that be?" I said as he looked at me and smirked. He grabbed his scroll and sat it on the table behind me and spun me around in the chair.

"This..." Wesker said as I looked up and looked at the hologram his scroll was showing. It was an amulet wrapped around a woman's neck.

"What is that?"

"Intrigued are we? Good. This amulet is called the Necrosis Gem. We've been trying to get our hands on it ever since you left but to no avail. It was only recently that we saw this on Atlas's security cameras."

"What does it do?"

"It has the power to bring anyone back to life but with a severe consequence. It extracts the soul of whoever uses it, and uses that soul to power the gem and the individual who uses the gem gets to choose one person to bring back from the dead." Wesker asked.

"What happens to someone after they lose their soul?"

"A number of things. Your soul will cause you lose any form of power within your body. No aura, no semblance, just a normal human being for the rest of your life. Second, your memory of the gem is erased from your brain completely and the gem disappears. It will then reappear 500 years from after it was used, ready for another soul to claim." Wesker said as I lowered my head. That's insane.

"That's...crazy. Wait, why do you want it?" I asked.

"We lost our leader...Khloe. You remember her. After all, you were married. We're gonna use it to bring her back. She...will help us be brought back to the promise lands. That's why we wanted you back Damien. We want your help."

"What if I say no?" I asked.

"Then we'll kill Neo and keep you locked up until the day you die. That way, you'll never leave us again but this time, you'll be left with your thoughts of her for the rest of your life." Wesker said.

"If I help you, you have to promise me something..." Damien said.

"Oh? And what would that be?"

"You have to let Neo go. She's not involved in this Wesker. She never asked to be a part of this. I dragged her along and I don't want her involved in this any longer. Please?" I asked as Wesker chuckled. He walked around me I heard a knife be drawn before the ropes were cut from my wrists and ankles.

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