Chapter 15 : First Step

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Damien's POV

A few days later...

Now that me and Neo were free and miles away from the Black Legion's canyon, I now have a new mission. I need to take them down by any means necessary. They'll only keep coming after Neo and I for as long as we live and that I simply cannot allow. I am without my sword now, something that kind of irritated me. Neo and I stopped by a smaller town that had a blacksmith.

"Your request was a little hard to make happen, but nonetheless, here you go." The blacksmith said as he sat a black box onto the table in front of me. I opened it to see two longer katanas encased in slick black matte black sheathes with gold accents.

"Wow...they came out better than I expected them too. Damn fine job. Here's the lien I owe you." I said as I sat a bundle of money onto the table. He grabbed it as I grabbed my new weapons and strapped them to my side.

"Hey, don't I know her from somewhere?" He asked as I turned and looked at Neo. She shrugged her shoulders, not knowing what he was talking about either.

"I don't know buddy. A girl with a look like her's would be something you couldn't forget." I said as I chuckled.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Sorry about that. Have a great day!" He said as Neo and I exited the blacksmith's shop. We walked through town, towards the exit when I smiled and gently elbowed Neo's elbow.

"You care to explain what all of that was about?" I asked.

Roman and I kind of...sort of...maybe intentionally extorted some of the businesses here for money...

"You what?!" I whisper yelled, causing her to silently sigh.

It was a long time ago. I told you before. We never were going to get into anything too significant. Just your typical, run of the mill kind of bad guys.

"Seems like it." I said as I stuffed my hands into my pockets. I noticed she was acting kind of strange. I didn't really think much of it at the moment just because there was a lot of civilians around to overhear our...well my conversation. I'll wait until we are alone. We made our way out of the town and as we were alone, I stopped moving.

"Can we talk?" I asked.


"You're acting strange. Like for the past few days, you've been distant. Not really saying much to me or really wanting anything to do with me. What's up?"


"Why what Neo?"

What the hell was that shit that I saw you were involved in back with the Black Legion?

"Neo I-"

Please don't give me any excuses...just explain the situation...

"My augments were in rough shape. You know my physical state. I can't live without them. I was left with a choice. Upgrade them and potentially make them permanent, or die, with the latter being the more likely option. I wish I didn't have to do it, but there was no way that I was gonna leave you. I took a chance...and it paid off."

You didn't bother telling me?

"It happened so fast. While we were sleeping, they came and got me. I didn't want to worry you, and I also didn't want you to see me potentially die. I'm sorry for not letting you know, but the good thing is that I lived."

You bastard...



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