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Tokyo, Japan;

It's been a week since Geiz involved in the accident. He decided to return to Tokyo until his broken arm completely healed. He was staying with his uncle, Naomichi and his family. That day, Hariz came and visits him.

"So, bro. When will they said your arm will be fully recover?" asked Hariz.

"Around September or October", said Geiz.

"Damn, what a very long time", said Hariz.

"Yes, but at least I don't have to see Kaori-san for such a long time", said Geiz.

"Damn, the cold war is still far from over, huh", said Hariz.

"I don't know if it'll ever end though", said Geiz.

"Why did you say such thing?" asked Hariz.

"Well, I don't even had a chance to defend myself. How can it end?" asked Geiz in returned.

"You had a point there, too", said Hariz.

"So, it seems you'll be staying in NOAH until early next year, huh", said Geiz.

"Yes. Marufuji-sensei wants me to stay until that time since it seems that they are not able to sign Kenta-san back to NOAH", said Hariz.

"Really, I wonder where will he ended up be", said Geiz.

"I heard New Japan wants him", said Hariz.

"Really, that's not really a bad thing", said Geiz.

"I know. Just hope that he can be success there", said Hariz.

"By the way, Hariz. Do you ever think what to do next after your contract is up?" asked Geiz.

"Who knows. I'll just decide it when the time come", said Hariz.

"I see. So, I'll be seeing you alot, huh", said Geiz. Hariz grinned

"Kind of", said Hariz.

Later that day;

Geiz enters the NOAH dojo where he saw his uncle is training some new trainee. He greeted his uncle before sits and watch the training.

"Naze kankaku o akete iru nodesu ka?" asked Naomichi. (Why are you spacing out?)

"Nanimonai, ojisan. Ore no kyaria ni tsuite kangaeru dake", said Geiz. (Nothing, uncle. I'm just thinking about my career)

"Naze, Noa ni modoru koto o kangaete iru nodesu ka?" asked Naomichi. (Why, thinking to come back to NOAH?) Geiz chuckled.

"Ore wa mada sore ni tsuite shirimasen. Sore mo kanō kamo shirenai", said Geiz. (I don't know about that yet. It might be possible too)

"On'nanoko no sei?", asked Naomichi. (Just because a girl?)

"Tabun sõda", said Geiz. (I guess so)

"Kangaenaoshita kata ga ī to omou", said Naomichi. (I think you better reconsider it)

"Wakata, ojisan", said Geiz. (I got it, uncle) Naomichi patted on Geiz's shoulder before walked to see the training. Then, Geiz got a phone call from Triple H.

Geiz: Hello, boss.

Triple H: Hello, Geiz. How's your condition?

Geiz: Nothing change much, sir.

Triple H: I see. By the way, I think you shall come to the WWE Live in Tokyo tonight. It just been only a week but it seems everybody miss you though.

GEIZ: THE KING OF MARUFUJI CLAN (Kairi Sane X Mayu Iwatani X OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now