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That day, Geiz woke up early as he had promised Tommy to take him walking around the city. After takes a shower and having simple breakfast, Geiz drives his car to Tommy's place.

"So, senpai. How's thing with Mayu-san?" asked Tommy.

"Well, so far so good. Can I ask you something?" asked Geiz in returned.

"Sure. What is it? Just spill it out" said Tommy.

"What's the deal between you and Toni?" asked Geiz.

"Well, she's a good friend" replied Tommy.

"That's it?" asked Geiz.

"Yes, what else?" asked Tommy.

"Well, who knows. You both looks good together" replied Geiz.

"Well, let the time decide it" said Tommy.

Later on;

Geiz and Tommy arrived at a lake.

"So, senpai. Did you ever think to leave WWE and returned back to NOAH?" asked Tommy.

"Well, I used to have one. Especially when I have that issue with Kaori-san that ruined my reputation but now, I have more reason to stay than leave" replied Geiz.

"Good to hear that. So, how does it feel going to be in Wrestlemania this year?" asked Tommy.

"I'm quite nervous and at the same time, I'm excited to be part of it" replied Geiz.

"I know that feel" said Tommy.

"Of course you know how that feel. Your first pay-per-view in WWE is Wrestlemania after all" said Geiz.

"Yeah. I never expecting such thing especially I just returned back to wrestle" said Tommy.

"Yeah. By the way, did James ever said anything after you pranked him?" asked Geiz. Tommy chuckled.

"Nope. Maybe the next time I meet him, there will be a big fight between us" replied Tommy.

"I'll pay big sum of money to watch it live" said Geiz. Tommy just chuckled.

Few weeks later;

It is day for the final NXT before Wrestlemania. That morning, Geiz, Tommy and Damien Priest are doing some workout at WWE PC.

"Few days left before Wrestlemania. Somehow, I felt nervous", said Geiz.

"You're nervous? Just imagine this, I will make my pay-per-view debut in WWE at Wrestlemania" said Tommy.

"Big pressure, huh. But, it's okay. We'll manage it" said Priest. Geiz and Tommy just nodded.


Mayu is walking around alone when she heard a familiar voices screamed.


Mayu then turned around and saw a man is running towards her with a handbag on his hand. Without any hesitation, Mayu dashed towards the snatcher before jumped high and hits the snatcher with her knee. The snatcher fell down. When he tried to stand up, Mayu quickly hits the snatcher with a bomaye straight to his face before locked the snatcher in a sleeper hold. Despite the snatcher is bigger than Mayu, Mayu's lock is more than enough to take him out. Then, a police officer came. He then puts the handcuff on the snatcher before takes him away. Mayu then picked the handbag before handed it over to the owner.

"Kore wa anata no monoda to omoimasu, Kaori-senpai" said Mayu. (I believe this yours, Kaori-senpai)

"Arigatō, Mayu" said Kairi.

GEIZ: THE KING OF MARUFUJI CLAN (Kairi Sane X Mayu Iwatani X OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now