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That morning, Geiz woke up early. After washed up, he makes his way to the nearest diner to have breakfast by his own. Later, he was join by Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch.

"Can we join you here?" asked Seth.

"Of course you can. But are you sure you both want to date in front of me?" asked Geiz in returned.

"Well, we want to have a breakfast with our friend here, not dating", said Becky.

"Oh. Well, just take a seat then", said Geiz.

"You always being alone nowadays aren't you?" asked Seth after he and Becky done ordering their meals.

"Well, it can't be help though. All my friends usually being with their girls. I don't have any of it. So, I just ride alone", said Geiz.

"Why don't you find one?" asked Becky.

"After what happen between me and Kaori, it's hopeless", said Geiz.

"Well, why don't you find someone outside WWE then?" asked Seth.

"Outside WWE, huh. I do have someone in mind", said Geiz.

"A Japanese?" asked Becky.

"Yeah. But it's still to early though", said Geiz.

"Just take it easy, dude. I'm sure it will be fine", said Seth.

"That's true. Besides, never ever think that the whole women locker room had turn against you. Me and the rest of 4 Horsewomen, Lexi, and your bestfriend Hallie are still had your back", said Becky.

"I see. Thanks, Becky. Good to hear it from you", said Geiz.

"Don't be so down, Geiz. You're a great wrestler and a good friend. Everybody know it very well", said Seth.

"Thanks, Colby", said Geiz. Later, their meals arrived. After finished their breakfast, they returned to their rooms.

That night;

Geiz arrived at the arena for Survivor Series. He then makes his way to the locker room. He saw that some of his friends already there.

"Damn, you boys are quit early", said Geiz.

"Well, it's Survivor Series after all. The pay per view that had more drama than the drama itself", said Cesaro.

"Couldn't agree more. So, to whom will you cash in your Money In The Bank contract?" asked Roman.

"Sorry, no spoiler", said Geiz. The rest chuckled. After changed into his wrestling gear, Geiz went to the catering  area while holding his briefcase. He then take a drink before had a seat at an empty table.

"Don't you ever felt guilty that after the incident that you blamed him 100%, he always being alone? Not to mention, you make most of women wrestlers turn against him", said Paige.

"Saraya, you said it like it totally my fault. He's not a Saint that so pure", said Kairi.

"Yes, but still why don't you at least listen to his explanation?" asked Asuka.

"Don't have to. He just trying to make himself seems innocent", said Kairi. Asuka and Paige looked at each other before shook their head.


It is a match between Brock Lesnar and Rey Mysterio for the WWE World Championship. Then, suddenly, 'Moth Into Flame' hits as Geiz making his entrance and stands at the stage. The crowds cheered out loud. Brock Lesnar saw this and asking him to cash in his Money In The Bank briefcase. Geiz just smirked before walked back to the backstage.

GEIZ: THE KING OF MARUFUJI CLAN (Kairi Sane X Mayu Iwatani X OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now