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"The Chloe's what?" Marinette pretended she didn't hear. "Sorry, I thought this was a school. Did I step into the wrong building?"

"Am I a joke to you?" Chloe leaned closer.

"Your personality is a joke to me!"

"Marinette," Chloe leaned away, "you really don't understand, do you?" She then nodded over to her friends, who were still standing there silently like robots waiting for their next order.

Then while Marinette had her attention on Chloe, she suddenly heard Alya scream, getting her attention. Marinette rushed over to her friend and knelt down beside her. Alya was clutching unto her forehead, and when Marinette looked down next to her, she noticed a metal spoon lying there.

She grabbed the spoon and turned over to Sabrina and Lila. "You threw a metal spoon at her?! How pathetic could you possibly get?!"

"Marinette!" Chloe suddenly grabbed her hair from behind and tugged on it. "Watch your mouth!"

"You watch your attitude!" Marinette slapped her hands. "And yeah, that is right, Chloe. You are pathetic! What is it that's hurting you? What is it that's making you hurt all these people just to make yourself feel better?"

"Make myself feel better?" Chloe then suddenly raised her hand and slammed it against Marinette's cheek. "No, honey, I do it for fun!"

Marinette screamed out in frustration, and before she could stop herself, she had slammed her own hand against Chloe's cheek, the loud sound of the slap echoing and gaining more attention from people around them.

Chloe gasped, her hand on her slapped cheek. She looked over at Marinette, only to see that the girl was now helping Alya walk away. "Marinette, you come back here!" The blonde rushed towards her, before she pushed her back, getting Marinette to fall to the floor. "You have the audacity to slap the Mayor's daughter!" She grabbed Marinette by her neck.

"You stop it!" Alya grabbed unto Chloe's hand and started pulling her away. "Don't forget that you're the one who started this, Chloe!"

"You stay out of this, Alya!"


"What is going on here?!"

Chloe instantly let go as soon as she heard the voice. She turned around to face the principal, before she then pointed at Marinette with an accusing finger. "She slapped me! Marinette slapped me!"

"Because you slapped her first!" Alya yelled, not even caring the principal was here. "Oh my goodness, I've had enough of this ruthlessness coming from you, Chloe. Stop lying and just tell the truth for once. You came up to Marinette and I with your gang and attacked us first. What were we supposed to do, just stand there and let you beat us?"

The principal looked at all girls, before turning around. "All five of you to my office! Let's deal with this privately!"


"I can't believe this!" Chloe stepped out of the office with a maddening look. "That girl just comes here and thinks she can do whatever she can to me just because my father is close with her parents! Just because we were asked to be friends, she thinks she can just chase me out of this school!" She turned over to Lila and Sabrina. "I can't believe he suspended us."

"Yeah, he should have expelled you instead," Marinette muttered immediately behind her after stepping out of the office, making sure Chloe heard. Both she and Chloe had gotten suspended for slapping each other, and Lila had gotten suspended for throwing the spoon. To Marinette, it was unfair that Chloe hadn't been punished for everything she had been doing, but for now, it was good enough.

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