Chapter Four - Making your Enemies Your Allies

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Been a little while, huh? Well I was originally making a GLMV for this story but lost inspiration so that's why I've been gone for ages. Only got to this chapter though so not many spoilers, maybe like one at most. I'll link it later on.

Scar and Cub we're going for a nice date- ahem. Walk, outside ConCorp. They had no goal, but Scar had been telling Cub he needed to get his butt into some fresh air, so here they were.

They didn't expect to see Mumbo, curled up under a tree, shaking slightly.

Cub's instant reaction was to wake him up and tell him to get lost. But he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. He was about to ignore that idea, and rudely awaken him, but as he took the first step, Scar dug an elbow into his side, glaring. Scar's eyes softened as he loon back over to the sleeping hermit.

He walked over to Mumbo's side, kneeling down, before gently shaking his shoulder. Mumbo's eyes slowly opened, obviously dazed, as he suddenly shifted backwards.

"Hey, Mumbo, what are you doing out here by yourself?"

"On ConCorp grounds, no less..." Cub grumbled, crossing his arms, earning himself a sharp stare from Scar.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was this close. I can just go, sorry-"

"Mumbo... You don't have to go, can you tell us what's wrong? Why were you out here in the cold, alone?" Cub genuinely started feeling worried, which he loathed.

Mumbo sighed, before telling them the tale from the beginning.

As the story unfolded, Cub felt a sudden urge to pull out his sword and find Grian and Iskall. How could they hurt Mumbo like this?! After he's done nothing but support them, no less!

Scar and Cub shared a look, before turning back.

"Well... We could, ahem... offer you a temporary place as one of us. Just so you don't feel alone, until the whole thing gets solved. Completely optional though! Reversible and all."

Mumbo just blinked at the duo, wondering if this was a sick joke. He stood up. "Are you serious...?"

After the pair nodded, Mumbo had to think.

Think back to all the times Iskall had outshone him.

All the times Grian had broken his redstone.

All the times he'd been caught in an argument with no regards for his feelings.

All the times he'd been hurt.

All the times he'd been belittled.

All the pain.

Iskall didn't even help him when Grian was yelling at him for something unreasonable.

Who were his friends, anymore?

Perfect revenge opportunity, if you ask me...

"Alright, you have yourself a deal.

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