Chapter Six - The Search Continues

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"Have you seen Mumbo?"

"Hey, sorry, have you seen Mumbo?"

"Please tell me you've seen Mumbo!"

Grian had gone around most of the server, worried and anxious. Iskall trailed behind him. Multiple times, Grian had started crying. He was stressed and tired but he wasn't giving up until he found Mumbo.

"X! Joe! Have you seen Mumbo!"

"Well, howdy, Grian, can't say I have, no..." Joe looked at Grian. X diverted his attention from the command block he was messing with. "Why are you looking for him, anyway?" X sat down, looking at Grian with intrigue.

"Well... me and Mumbo got into an argument, and I said some things I shouldn't have... Now he's gone. And I need to apologise."

"What?!" Joe stood up, feeling his dad instincts kick in. "Grian, you should know better than this! You gotta be careful! Mumbo's sensitive, I'm sure you already know that!"

Grian looked down guiltily. "I know... but it was like I wasn't myself. I don't even remember why we were arguing."

"Well when we find him, you better give him one heck of an apology." Joe sighed. Every time these boys came to him there was a problem. Being the local server dad sucked sometimes. Ah well, he loves them anyway.

"I know... but I can't find him."

"Well, I can try to track him. Everyone on the server can be tracked. Let me show you." X pulled up a menu, a radar with a lot of different coloured dots on it.

"See that orange dot there? That's Cleo. Everyone has their own colour."

"Ooh! Which one am I?!"

"Well, G-ar-ian, the purple, blue, green and light red dot are us. You're the light red one."

"Nice! I'm guessing the purple dot is you, the blue dot is Joe and the green dot is Iskall?"

"You would be correct. Now, Mumbo's colour is dark red, so he should be about... there." X pointed at said dot, which had two dots nearby, almost directly on it.

"Who are the grey blue and the dark grey blue?"

"That would be Scar and Cub."

"What?! Why's he with them?!" Grian, shocked, almost fell backwards.

"I don't know, but do you want to see what's up, and maybe apologise?"

"Of course! Let's go!" The red sweatered man pulled out some rockets with the other three following suite, and took off to go and find Mumbo.

— — —

I won't lie, this chapter is kind of filler, hence why it's short...

Don't worry, things get interesting soon~

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