Chapter Ten - Change of Plan

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Double digits!

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The next few days were...


Mumbo seemed to be fine. At least for the first two days.

It had been a week since the second argument. Mumbo had been staying at ConCorp ground, and had been helping out designing plans for contraptions, and helping Cub actually build them. He felt more appreciated here than he did at Sahara, that's for sure.

His powers only grew stronger over time, but Cub would always try to keep an eye on him when he could.

So when Scar called Mumbo over to help him with something, Cub took the opportunity to take a quick look around the small hut they had built Mumbo.

It was very small inside, but cosy, and was nicely decorated. Cub knew he shouldn't snoop, but he was nervous. Walking over to the chest next to the bed, he debated just leaving. He couldn't make himself go. He opened the chest, and dug through.

Inside, there were multiple pieces of scrap paper, a few redstone components, and some food. He was about to leave after feeling guilty for digging around, but he felt his hand touch a leather material. A book and quill?

He took it out, and sat on the bed, feeling the seams of the book. Cub quickly looked around, making sure Mumbo wasn't near. After making sure Mumbo wasn't going to see this, he opened the book.

It was almost like a journal? The first few pages were okay. Mumbo's neat handwriting talked about how nice Cub and Scar were to him when he needed it. Cub glowed with pride slightly, before turning the page. There was a sketch of a machine. Turning multiple pages, he found many sketches of more redstone machines. This would have been fine, had they been for farms or such.


These were designed to kill.

The worst one was a trap where they would read a book on a lecturn saying that Mumbo forgave them, and talking about how he missed them, and he would be coming back soon. Then, as they turned to last page, it said 'Ha. As if.' before a redstone pulse was sent through, and opened the floor under them, sending them into a pit of lava.

Cub couldn't believe what he was reading. Mumbo, the innocent, kind and caring redstoner, was planning this.

The final page made his heart skip a beat.

'Get out of my head!'

~ ~ ~

"So, that's how that works!"

"Ah, okay... Thanks Mumbo!"

Scar smiled at Mumbo, who nodded. They stopped when they heard Cub yelling.

"Listen, Scar! I know you didn't believe me earlier, but this will prove it!"

Cub stopped in front of them, panting slightly from the run. Scar looked concerned, what had got Cub so scared? "Hey, are you okay? Calm down, what happened?" He walked over, patting Cub on the back as he regained his breath. Cub said nothing, but just shakily handed Scar the book.

Oh, boy.

Scar opened it, giving Cub a worried look, before reading. Minutes passed as Scar's face grew more disturbed.

"Wh... Mumbo...?" He looked up at the moustached hermit, eyes wide. "You were planning to... You... would...?"

They're ruining everything.

Mumbo took a step back, heart speeding up as Cub glared at him, scared inside but appearing strong.

Just like they did before.

Mumbo couldn't tell what was real.

I'm taking the wheel.

That was all Mumbo remembered.

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