Chapter Five - A Sand Storm is Brewing

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Cub placed the torch on the cold, stone wall, lighting up the cavern. A few bats flew around, startled, as Concorp and Mumbo ventured deeper. Mumbo was debating if it was too late to turn back.

He had to keep going.

Scar gave him a glance. "You don't have to do this, you know." Mumbo blinked. "No, I... I can do it. It's fine, really."

Mumbo looked along the wall at all the encrypted messages, and strange images carved into the wall. One of them seemed to depict a group of vexes standing above some life forms, all kneeling and seemingly praying. To be honest, it was hard to tell what they were doing since there was so much dust covering the images.

"Oh, we've been trying to decode those for ages. Can't seem to get to the bottom of it." Scar shrugged. Mumbo looked forwards again, and the hallway suddenly came to a stairway down. It was very dark, but it was decorated with patterns in the stones leading down, and the steps themselves had a purple carpet.

The bottom of the stairway opened up into a big room. In the centre, semi in the wall, there was a golden vex face, with diamond eyes that seemed to follow Mumbo and ConCorp around with every step they took.

The moment they got to the centre of the room, Cub and Scar immediately dropped onto their knees, bowing. Mumbo, noticing this, immediately did the same, confused and slightly scared.

"Do not be so formal! Stand up and look at me, new one. Do not be shy. But make haste."

"Mumbo, he means you!" Cub hissed softly, not looking up. Mumbo gulped down any remaining nerves, and shakily stood up.

"I can sense you are nervous. Do not be. Although I am a God above humans, I do hate being feared. What is your name?"

"M-Mumbo... Mumbo Jumbo! ...S-sir..."

"Ah, Mumbo. Mumbo... rolls right off the tongue! Well, Mumbo Jumbo. Do not be so formal, as I said. I am simply... Vex. Now, I know you are here for a reason. I would like Cub to explain, if he will."

"Well, Vex, sir, Mumbo here is interested in joining for the time being. He understands what we have to do, and he has been offered chances to change his mind, as you request we always tell them." Cub looked up briefly, before returning to his position. Scar had not moved since.

"Cub, I have told you many times to stop calling me sir. Thank you nonetheless. Now, I request you two wait outside. Young Mumbo will be safe with me."

The duo stood up, and bowed quickly. "Yes, Vex." They hurried out as Scar sent Mumbo one last glance of support.

"Now then, young Mumbo. How do you feel?"

"I f-feel... nervous?"

"Oh, no, no, boy! I was referring to how you feel deep inside. About your friends."

Mumbo blinked. "Well... I'm a bit upset with them... They're both amazing people, and I really appreciate them, but sometimes I don't feel that's mutual. Iskall seems to start most of the fights, he has a very quick temper, and Grian jumps to conclusions! I mean, just today Grian blamed me for ruining the redstone of something that took me hours to build! Me! Then he had the audacity to kick me out and say it's my fault! Iskall didn't even TRY to help! He just stood there! It's not fault, I know it isn't! It can't be! It's their fault, I know it is! I hate them! I HATE THEM!"

Mumbo took a few moments to catch his breath, calming himself down. He hadn't meant to have shouted. He didn't even know where half those feelings came from! His vision was blurry with tears.


"I-I'm sorry for shouting! I-I didn't mean to! P-Please, I'm sorry!"

"No, boy, it is quite alright. I understand perfectly."

As the almighty spirit spoke, a wisp of smoke left it's eye. It floated over to Mumbo, slowly becoming bigger. At his feet, it started swirling in circles, shining brighter each second. Then, it started to fade out. It fizzled away, leaving a mask in its place.

A vex mask.

"Welcome to the ConVex. You're family now, Mumbo."

— — —

I gotta start updating more

Also did you like the title? Lmao

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