Chapter Thirteen - Cold Obedience

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Cub landed in front of the warehouse, the cold breeze sending a shiver down his spine. The large building loomed above him as he walked towards it. The gate was open when he arrived, so he assumed Mumbo was already waiting for him.

Entering the warehouse, it was all dark, apart from one spot in the centre. Cub had no clue how that lighting worked out, but he ignored it. He had bigger issues at hand. His sword was strapped to his back, and he held his arm in a position where he could grab it quickly.

"I'm here. What did you want to talk about?" Cub shouted to the darkness. He heard footsteps, and then Mumbo emerged, fixing his tie.

"So glad you're here. Alone, I presume? We wouldn't want anything to happen to our dear Scar, now, would we?" Mumbo smiled tauntingly, as a light behind him flickered on, revealing Scar, on his knees, being pulled down into the position by the lightning blue tentacles, the black goo still covering his mouth. He looked over to Cub with pleading eyes.

"Well, lets get down to business!" Mumbo clapped gleefully, ignoring Cub's sharp glare. "I'm sure you've noticed the traps that I designed. The problem is, they're so complex. Even in this body, of one of the smartest hermits, I can't figure it out!"

Cub gasped. "I knew it! You're not Mumbo, are you?"

"Aw, Cubby..."

"Do NOT. Call me that. You don't get to." Cub growled, reaching for his sword.

"Ah-ah!" 'Mumbo' tutted, placing his arms behind his back. "It'd be shamefully easy to kill you. So you had better comply." The grin came back, infuriating Cub.

"I know it's you, you can't hide that from me. I'm not a dumb kid anymore."

"Oh, Cubby... I'll show you! You're just like them!" Mumbo sighed again. "Anyway. Onto the reason we're here. I need help. So, that's why you're here! I want you to build these machines!"

"There is no way I'm doing that! You're crazy!" Cub stepped back. He glared at Mumbo, who was still grinning.

"You still don't get it, do you? If you don't help me build them, well, let's just say Scar's name will have even more meaning behind it~"

Scar's eyes widened as Mumbo spoke, heart pumping. He tried to struggle and break out, but the tentacles held firm. Mumbo called out cheerily, "No use struggling~!".

"I knew you weren't Mumbo from the moment we woke up to that storm! I knew it! You probably instigated the argument too! If I had known-!"

"Yes, you always were very smart, Cubby. You could have saved your friend! Instead, you hesitated. Just like I did. Now look at me! See what you did to me, Cub?!" 'Mumbo' screamed, gesturing to himself.

"You know there's no one to blame but yourself, Iren! I'm not going to help you with this!"

Mumbo sighed. "Fine, have it your way! I don't need you anyway." He reached behind him, gesturing to the tentacles. However, before the could move, a well aimed sword flew past him, making him jerk his arm back. Doc, False and Iskall burst through the door, followed by multiple other hermits. Mumbo was shocked, as Doc and Iskall rushed over to Scar, while the others surrounded him. He turned back to Cub, seething.

"You said you came alone!"

"You said you'd change."

Mumbo growled, before yelling. "Do you have any idea how long this took?! I had to wait so long! I had to start an argument between those three idiots! I had to wait for him to learn his powers! I had to wait for him to let me in! I had to wait so long! You're just going to rip it away from me?! Are you kidding me?! I'm tired of losing! I'm sick of-"

Suddenly, False rushed forward, high kicking Mumbo in the jaw, knocking him backwards. He screamed, as False pulled out her sword.

"Yeah, yeah, we don't care about your 'Woe is me' story! Give us back our friend!"

'Mumbo' didn't move, he was sat on the floor. The hermits looked at each other. Why wasn't he fighting back?

He looked up, tears filling his eyes. "G-guys...? H-help...!"

The hermits looked at each other as they realised something.

Mumbo was still in there, and he could feel every hit.

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