Chapter Twelve - Settling Scores

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X didn't expect to find Cub, soaked from the rain, panting and scared, standing in front of his base. The older hermit looked at him with scared eyes.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"X, call a meeting!" Cub stood up straight, before grabbing his shoulders.


"Call. A. Meeting. It's important."


Soon enough, all the hermits were gathered at the shopping district, as confused chatter and whisper arose. X stepped out in front of the crowd. "Thank you all for coming! I would tell you why we're here, but however, I can't, because I didn't call this meeting. Well, I did, but Cub asked for it." X gestured for Cub to come up next to him, who hastily did. Everyone noticed his jerky body language.

"Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Mumbo is vexed. Quite literally."

The once confused chatter went silent as people tried to convey what had just been told to them.

"Listen, I don't have long to explain, but the long and short of it is this; Sahara got into argument, Mumbo came to us, Mumbo gets powers, Mumbo slowly starts going crazy for revenge on Iskall and Grian, Mumbo threatens me, Mumbo kidnaps Scar, I run from Mumbo, and here we are now!" Cub spoke in a hasty tone, fidgeting, as if he wanted to stop talking and move.

Grian couldn't help but feel rage. "What did you two do to him?!" He shouted, as Iskall held his shoulder to stop him from really going anyway. Cub looked over sadly.

"Listen, I know we've been enemies for a long time..."

"I don't know, Iskall... I think this is a trick." Grian looked up at Iskall, who shrugged, because he wasn't really sure what to think.

"Do you think I would joke about THIS?!"

All attention turned back to Cub, who heard Grian's statement. "I know what Mumbo's like! I couldn't joke about this if I tried! I wouldn't if I could! But I'm telling the truth! This isn't him! He doesn't deserve this, and I don't want to stick around and watch one of the kindest hermits hurt one of my best friends! I'm aware this is my fault, okay?! I know it may not mean much to you, but... I'm sorry..." Cub started off shouting, but went quiet.

Grian looked at the man with sympathy, and regret. He walked up to him, and put a hand on his shoulder, even if he had to reach up quite a bit to do so.

"No. It's my fault. I shouldn't have even gotten mad in the first place, that's what kickstarted this series of events."

Cub looked at Grian, shocked for a moment, and then smiled. "I'm with you. Let's go save Mumbo!"

"I'm in, too!" Iskall ran forwards towards them both, grinning and already holding his sword. "Me too!" Ren shouted, raising a fist from the crowd. "Well, we can't loose Mumbo, can we?" Cleo smirked, determined. "No one hurts my boy and gets away with it. I'm in." TFC, who came out of his bunker for the first time in ages, looked terrifying.

Soon enough, all the hermits were in agreement.

They had to save Mumbo.

Suddenly, a buzz from Cub's pocket caught their attention.

Cub opened his phone quickly, and saw a message.

MumboJumbo: Meet me in the concorp warehouse in an hour. I have Scar. Bring no one else and come alone, or there'll be consequences.

Cub shakily replied.

Cub: Fine.

The man in the lab coat proceeded to show the hermits what he was just told, and that made the hermits erupt into confusion, anger, and fear.

"Don't worry, everyone." TFC stepped forwards from the crowd. "Cub isn't going alone. I have a plan." He looked at Cub, and smiled softly.

They had to save Mumbo.

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