Chapter Ten: The Empire

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The next morning, town wasn't far any more, every step bringing them closer to their destination. 

Angela walked beside the flying pod, directly behind Cara and Mando, since the night before she didn't lay her staff out of her hands, she held it straight against her side. 

She could feel something shift within Greef Karga, the events from last night still present in his mind.

"You think they're having second thoughts?" Cara questioned, suspicious of the three men. 

"Could be. I need your eyes." The Mandalorian answered lowly.

"We're watching." Cara spoke for both of them, knowing the red head already had a watchful eye on them, as they kept on walking, the Ugnaught kept his distance, falling behind on his Blurrg. 

They stopped, Angela standing next to Mando and the pod, the two left over bounty hunters behind them, she put her staff on the ground, leaning partly on it, taking notice of the two men. 

"I guess this is it." 

Angela laid her head sideways, the men behind her drawing their weapons at them, she didn't move, instead tried to figure out Greef Karga, he changed his mind in their favor. 

He shot his men, Mando and Cara pointing their blasters at him, confused, Greef raised his hands in surrender, "There's something you should know." 

The man walked over to the dead body's, kicking their weapons from their hands, the others turned, watching him do so. 

"The plan was to kill you and take the kid. But after what happened last night, I couldn't go through with it." 

Kuiil walked up behind, inspecting the corpses himself, Mando and Cara still point their blasters as Angela, unhurried took place between them, both hands on top of her staff, her legs firm together and her back straight. 

"Go on. You can gun me down here and now and it wouldn't violate the Code. But if you do, this child will never be safe." 

"We'll take our chances." Cara replied cockily.

But how? If they would run it would forever be hunted, if they go without Greef,.. Without him the chances were bad, and Caras anger and distrust weren't helping. 

"The Imperial client is obsessed with obtaining this asset. You tried to run, but where did it get you?" 

That was another problem, even when they get through with this and the plan works out, it still would be hunted, they know what it is, it will never be safe again, not as long as the Imperials live on. 

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