Chapter 12

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After thanking and congratulating (G) I-DLE for their hard work during the day, Jiyeong headed towards her boss' car along with him, both having finished with their work for the day.

- The girls seemed really happy working with you. - said Elijah, smiling and opening the car, both sitting in their respective seats - It felt warm and natural between you.

- Did you watch us?

- A little, but I couldn't stay for long.

The brunette sighed, placing her elbow on the car window, looking outside while the sun was setting.

- Tired? - asked the CEO, driving.

- Kinda.

- We are almost there. If you want, I could drop you at your apartment and then-

- No, please, I'm thankful for your kindness, but I prefer to drive myself home.

- As you wish.

The rest of the short trip was silent, until Elijah stopped beside her car.

- See you tomorrow. - he smiled, giving her a friendly handshake.

- See you tomorrow.

Jiyeong got down, ruffling her own hair, opening the car, watching as her boss drove in the distance until he disappeared.

- Oh, great! And now it rains!

And it wasn't a light one, adding the fact that it was getting darker.

- Okay, Ji, concentrate, you better start making your way back home now.

Starting the engine, she drove, calmly, because of the rain getting stuck in the traffic, what made her anxious.

"Oh, come on! I just want to have a shower and throw myself on my bed!"

Sighing, she tried her best to keep her patience during the hour she got stuck in there.

At 23:30, she finally arrived to the apartment.

Almost tripping with something that was on the floor, Jiyeong made her way towards her room, hanging the backpack behind the door and grabbing her pyjama.

Then, her phone buzzed.

Raising an eyebrow, she took it out of her jeans' pocket, checking who it was.

- Mr. Leblanc. - she whispered.

The apartment was silent, since Haneul was sleeping by now, tired of his shift at the café.

She seemed surprised by the message, but smiled, relieved.

- Great, I can organise myself to make sure we don't waste any time.

It was the weekly schedule with the rehearsals, including which artists she had to work with in which hours.

- Tomorrow is gonna be interesting. - she smiled, locking the phone's screen to leave it on the desk and walking towards the bathroom.

The experience was going to be unique and special, that was for sure.

[The next day]

This time, Jiyeong walked more confidently inside the building, holding her tablet and her backpack. It was 8 in the morning, and she was walking through the corridor when, suddenly, she heard a voice behind her.

- Good morning, Miss Jiyeong!

"At least he used my first name."

She wouldn't deny it made her kinda embarrassed that she recognised everyone just by their voice, but it was natural since she actually was a fan, right?

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