Chapter 18

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Once parked outside, Ace turned off the engine, sighing.

- At last we are here! - he exclaimed, exhausted.

- You for sure must be tired. - Jiyeong commented, placing her backpack over her shoulder - But I'm wondering... would you really be alright if I stay tonight? You know, I could book something in an inn or something.

- How could we sleep if we leave you in such a place, alone?! - said dramatically Ziu, making the girl laugh.

Nevertheless, St.Van had other worries.

- But we didn't really ask her if she would be alright with staying with us. Maybe she would be uncomfortable.

- Well, being honest, I prefer to stay where there's people I know rather than a place where I'd be on my own, but of course, that's not in my power to choose. - she shrugged.

- We, as the ones who have the power, give our permission for you to stay with us.

- Thanks, Jacob-hyung.

- Can we continue this conversation at the apartment? - asked Lou, containing a yawn.

- Right, you all must be tired with all the schedules and rehearsals. C'mon, let's go.

They all got out of the car, St.Van taking Jiyeong's suitcase.

- I can carry it myself, hyung.

- It's heavy. Besides, after today's events I don't think is a good idea for you to overwork yourself. - he said, smiling as he easily carried the luggage.

- Okay, if you want and you can do it, I won't oppose.

In less than five minutes, they were at the apartment's door, being opened by Ayno.

- Feel at home! - he told her in a cheery tone.

- Thankyou. - she thanked, smiling, looking at every detail - It hasn't changed that much, except for a few things. - she turned to them - Do you still have the same roommates?

- Yes, we do! - answered BaRon.

- With your permission, I'm taking the shower first. - said Ace, going towards his room.

- Shouldn't we let Jiyeong shower first? - asked Lou.

- I'd rather be last, I know you are all dying to get comfortable. - she voiced, taking off her jacket - Besides, I'll probably go at midnight, since I'll concentrate in making the staging sequences and details and- Hey! Give that back!

- No! No working today! - opposed Ayno, with her work backpack on air, taking it far from her, who tried to jump to get it but, considering how tall he was, couldn't even touch it - Go rest!

- Wha-? I need to finish details for the next rehearsals! It's crucial that I'm punctual and responsible with this, since you depend on my work for the visual part!

- One day of rest won't hurt!

- Hyung! Please help! - Jiyeong tried to get Lou to take it from the blonde, pissed by the teasing and stubborn attitude of the boy.

- Lol, I actually think you should rest as well. - confessed the tallest, sat on the sofa, playing with his phone.

- Aghhh, St.Van-hyung? Do something? You are the leader?

- As the leader of VAV, I agree with my members. - he responded, laughing.

- Oh, for God's sake! - she, taking impulse, jumped again, this time being able to touch it.

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