Chapter 42

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The music ringed inside her ears, her headphones on and the volume at the highest level. Million thoughts run through her mind, while her body remained sat in the middle of the bed, her eyes closed and her breaths steady and deep, trying to calm her troubled soul.

"Less than two months."

It was 3 in the morning, Sunday, so she didn't have to worry about having to weak up early since it was the day off.

She couldn't take it anymore.

Aware that her mind wouldn't let her sleep for that night, she got up, opening her closet, looking for something simple to wear. Finally, she opted for a white, plain t-shirt and black jeans, throwing on herself a black jacket, which was enough big for her hands to be hidden inside the sleeve.

Hoodie on and music at full volume, she headed to the main door, putting on her converse, and silently exiting the apartment.

The air was cold, but she thanked that since she adored cold nights.

Walking on the street, which was empty, Jiyeong hid her hands in her pockets, her phone tightly held in her right one.

The blue-haired smiled upon receiving a soft cold blow from the wind, feeling her whole being been refreshed.

"I have to make sure they have the time of their lives, then."

Saying the show was going to be amazing was an understatement.

It was probably going to be one of the best shows ever held.

And all thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work from the idols, who believed in the project and gave all their creativity in it.

"Without them, it wouldn't have been possible."

"Feel Your Soul" was happening soon. Everything they've worked on would be shown to a worldwide audience and, possibly, change things in the idol world.

"I really hope that after this they would be treated as the humans they are."

Nonetheless, the girl knew that there could be the possibility of things keep going as they were before the EAM set their sights on South Korea.

"- I really wish I could do something about it."

It wasn't Elijah's fault, nor his decision, regarding that matter.

And that frustrated her more than she wanted to admit.

- Late night walk, I see.

Startled, Jiyeong turned to her left, watching the taller figure who was all dressed in black as well, her heartbeat speeding at the sudden presence.

- H-Hi there.

- Sorry for scaring you, it wasn't my intention.

She wasn't dumb. According to his height and his sweet voice, the stage director knew who she was talking to.

The traffic light turned green for them, and both made their way towards the other sidewalk.

- I want to think this has been a sweet coincidence and not that you've been following me or something.

His chuckles made her grin.

- I just went to grab some instant ramen at the convenience store, but I saw you from the distance and I couldn't help but to approach you.

She rose an eyebrow.

- You are lucky I was distracted with my own thoughts.

He chuckled again, both walking side by side, as if they've known each other for a long time.

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