Chapter 41

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It didn't take more than three days for Jiyeong to be fully recovered after resting properly.

As in a usual day, the stage director was sat on one of the audience's seats, checking that everything was in place in the sequences of the performances.

"Today we'll start with the full rehearsals."

Which meant that all artists would be gathered in there to decide the running order, the interval acts, and do rehearsals about how to go from the Artists Area to the stage one after another while they were gradually performing.

She didn't have to wait for long until the doors burst open.

- We are here! - shouted Minhyuk, as Monsta X entered.

Jiyeong smiled at them, locking the tablet's screen and crossing her legs.

- You are the first ones to arrive, and it's still 15 minutes left before we start.

- We wanted to come on time, since we are always a bit late because of someone. - Kihyun looked at the tallest member, who sighed.

- Right, right, put the blame on me!

- Please don't start an argument, you've been great either way and we are at the same rhythm as with the other acts. - assured the female.

- Yeah! We worked hard for this, didn't we?! - exclaimed excitedly Jooheon.

- Of course you did, Joohoney. - standing up from her seat, she gazed at them, smiling.

- How are you doing? You look way better than days ago! - asked Shownu.

- Good, really good, thanks for asking! I hope you are all good as well.

- Yeah! We are! - the energy that had Minhyuk gave enthusiasm to Jiyeong, who giggled when the black-haired started to jump excitedly - Aaaaah~ I can't wait to start! First full rehearsal!

- Could you calm down a bit? - pleaded Kihyun.

- No!

Sighing at a new argument starting between the two members, Jiyeong saw Hyungwon approaching her, now standing by her side.

- You good? - she placed a friendly hand on his back, patting softly.

- Yes. - he smiled, connecting their gazes, he having his hand on her shoulder, his arm embracing her back - Are you sure you are good, though?

A confident nod was the answer he received.

- I'm not one to talk, but you two really should solve this.

The stage director was surprised by his words.

- Solve...? Does he actually have a problem with me?

- No, no! He just... I think he's... discouraged?

- Discouraged?

- I-I can't talk further about that, sorry. - he rubbed his neck, embarrassed - But believe me when I tell you he cherishes you a lot.

Jiyeong unconsciously smiled, her eyes now on the red-haired, who was talking lively with Jooheon.

- I do cherish him a lot too.

Hyungwon pressed softly her shoulder, as to give her support.

- It's difficult, you know...

The boy looked at her, confused.

- What's difficult?

- Life itself is, but I was talking about the situation. - her eyes fixated on the audience, then on the ceiling full of lights, then on the stage - Swimming against what a whole society has established is difficult. - unconsciously, one of her hands went to the cord that held her pendant around her neck, caressing it softly - May happiness follow even when things become unbearable.

The dark-haired sighed, hugging her against him, which the girl accepted.

- So far, we've overcame everything, right? - his eyes were on her, as she had hers on the stage - I'm honestly not 100% certain of what might happen, but what I'm sure about is that we'll keep fighting... knowing that people like you believe in us.

Jiyeong sighed, smiling softly, and turning so that she could give him a quick, tight hug.

"- I... honestly don't know if that could be possible, Jiyeong..."

"- But, deep in my heart, I want all of this to keep going and... that things really change, for real,..."

"- Forever."

Shaking her head, as the rest of idols came in, the blue-haired smiling brightly, greeting them and talking lively.

"Two months... Two months and everything will just become a good memory."

That day, she had the time of her life, as they all shared together their ideas, opinions, and built the show as a team. The fact that all artists and friends were there without a schedule and established turns for sure brought a new whole mood.

She just listened to them, and, as in the first day, she brought their ideas to life.

She learned a lot of things from them in just four months. She felt herself becoming a better person day after day just by sharing the same air as those beautiful souls.

But reality hit hard, and she would find herself later in her bedroom, lying down, crying silently as all that she lived during what was the best time of her life came in the shape of memories that together composed a movie that she would love to replay million times.

Sadly, all movies come to an end.

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