Chapter 40

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Three hours later, after Chung left and said goodbye to her with a tight hug and telling her to call him if anything happened, having Blanka and Avril arrived an hour later, she was sat on the sofa, rolling her eyes upon hearing the screams of her two friends, to whom she just told about how the evening went.

- Are you kidding me?! You are freacking telling me that you just slept together on the sofa, hugging each other, and him making sure you were cozy?! - the Croatian was living for that, shaking her softly and grinning from ear to ear.

- Yeah? Close friends things?

- Girl, I'd agree with you if I didn't know he's one of the candidates! - Avril said, facing her by sitting in a strange position on the armchair.

- That doesn't mean nothing... besides, let's not talk about "candidates", okay? It feels inhumane.

- Okay, sorry, it wasn't the best term to use.

The blue-haired ruffled her own hair, sighing, looking at her lap.

- I... feel like I'm not better than the ones who don't respect them.

- What the hell are you talking about?! - the blonde got up, throwing herself by her other side, clearly angry at her words - It's bad feeling now?! Do you think you just can keep going as if nothing happens when you had made a lot of amazing memories that lead to a strong bond with them?! - she took her by the cheeks, obligating the youngest to face her - Jiyeong, you are a person, you like persons, and of course you have eyes, and heart, and definitely sharing moments of your life with people eventually leads to feel something special for them. - she sighed - If you are saying so because you feel attracted to... - she stopped for a moment to count in her head - 7 persons, yikes, considering how many persons entered your life months ago, honey, they are less than everyone would have in your situation.

- I know it's all confusing now, - Blanka stated, placing some of Jiyeong's hair locks behind her ear - but once you clear your feelings once time goes by-

- It's been almost three months now!

- And? You don't look like someone who would fall easily for someone. - pointed out Avril.

- ...I was like that not too many years ago.

- Self evolution? Do you know what's that?

- Of course I do! But what I'm saying is that it's been almost three months, I can't just keep going as if nothing happens because my indecisive self can't clear up her feelings.

- You didn't have the opportunity to spend quality time with them in terms of privacy, though. - explained the brunette - The project has taken all of the time.

- That's true.

- Hey, at least you can say you almost broke a leg with Taeyong and were taken care of by Chung, that's a fact. - smirked the oldest.

- Still, Chung came because you freacking told him I was sick and I flew a few meters because I almost died crashed by a car. - she couldn't help but giggle at recalling the incident - Gosh, I still can't believe destiny just placed Taeyong in that moment at that time to save me from a horrible fate.

- He was so brave to not hesitate and save you. - Blanka was delighted, clasping her hands together in a dreamy way.

- Yeah, I'm so thankful to him. - Jiyeong smiled, covering well with the blanket to not be cold - But let's change the topic to more important matters. - she said, changing her focus from one to the other - How was the meeting?

- Long, but good. We reached an agreement. - explained briefly Avril.

- About what topic?

The Europeans looked at each other, then back at her.

- The name of the project.

- Woah, really? At last we get a name for the show?! - the blue-haired was excited to know that, since they've been in constant arguments to decide the perfect name for the project, as the EAM gave them the right to choose it - What's the name, then?

The older girls exchanged a look, then smiled.

- Feel Your Soul.

Jiyeong's breath stopped, her eyes widely opened.

- Wha-

- Yep. I didn't know you actually had thought of a name even before sending the sketches to the company, but today Mister Leblanc revealed it to us and we were so touched! - explained Blanka.

- Why didn't you purpose it sooner?! You just kept it quiet! - blamed the blonde.

- Sorry, sorry! I just thought it was too cheesy, childish and bad for being the actual title of the project. - she rubbed her nape, embarrassed.

- Well, it's perfect! And we all agreed on that! - clapped the tallest - The leaders were super happy with the choice!

- Aaah, dammit, stop, I don't want to cry.

- Lol, why are you saying that? - giggled Avril, rubbing her back.

- I... Well, when I wrote the name in one of the sketches, I did it thinking that that was the focus I wanted this project to have.

Both girls sighed, touched, hugging from each side the youngest.

- You did gave that meaning to the project. - assured Blanka.

- Not me... Everyone did. - Jiyeong smiled - One person alone wouldn't have done nothing.

- But it was thanks to your influence. - the oldest poked her cheek, smiling - You inspired us.

- And remember you are the one who treats them the humblest, like, you don't feel intimated for who they are as a public figure, even though you are a fan. - seconded Blanka.

- I learned that humans are humans at the end of the day. - she said - Now that I work with them and am sharing my daily life around them, it wouldn't make sense for me to treat them as something else which wasn't a person-to-person treatment.

- You are amazing. - praised the Balkan.

- You are as well. - she sighed - And I'd rather stop being called that as if I'm some kind of angel, which, believe, I'm not.

The three of them laughed, still hugging each other.

She didn't like the uncertainty of how things would turn for her in what feelings referred, but she was ready to make moves towards her final decision and, most importantly, to help the idols pull off the best show they'll have done.

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