Chapter 37

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She really wanted to be mad at them.

But how could she? If they were trying to gain her attention all the time and kept making arguments about how she would do the same and stuff?

- Are you still mad? - asked Taeyong, who was seated at the back, resting his leg on a cold blanket the owner of the car prepared for him. The fact that he made his tone purposely cuter secretly made the younger melt.

- ...No.

- Great! Then now we can focus on finding that kid! - sighed Doyoung, looking outside, paying attention to the streets.

- Jeongin... Where the hell did you go?

Jiyeong was sick worried at this point, driving, from time to time looking out the window.

- The others haven't found him yet, right?

- I don't think so. They would have called me or sent me a message.

- Maybe they are like Doyoung. - joined the injured boy.

- Hey! It was one time, okay?!

She giggled softly at their argument, paying attention to the road.

And just when she gazed outside, she could see a familiar figure sat on the grass, what made her stop the car by the side, not interrupting the traffic.

Jiyeong unfastened her seatbelt, telling Doyoung to take care of the car and Taeyong, bursting open the door, running towards the park, her feet hurting because of the sudden effort.

Jeongin tried to turn his head upon hearing fast footsteps, but he was hugged tightly by the female.

- Oh my God... I'm gonna kill you...

Now she understood why no one could find him: that park was an abandoned place hidden somewhere at the outskirts of the city.

- Why didn't you answer the calls?! Did you know how worried we all were?! - even if she was scolding him, she couldn't help but to tighten her arms around him, scared he might run away, hiding her face on his soft hair.

- I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't want to talk to anyone and then I ran out of battery.

Jiyeong sighed, sitting properly, gazing for a moment at the car, where Doyoung gave her a thumb up, indicating that they were doing good.

- I... I was so scared of their reactions... I-I-

He was about to cry again, so the blue-haired let him hold onto her, finding comfort on her embrace, as she was petting his hair and rubbing his back.

- They are your friends, and your family, they won't judge you and less for something like that.

- Bu-But he was there... a-and he-he-

- And do you think he, who is one of the persons that loves and cherishes you the most, would judge you or blame you? For something you can't control? Jeongin, you know better than me that he wouldn't, none of them wouldn't.

- I-I'm sorry, I-I'm really sorry!

Jiyeong shook her head, tightening the embrace on him, feeling his hands holding tightly the fabric of her jacket.

She flinched when he accidentally touched a bruise she probably had from the fall.

- A-Are you hurt?! - he panicked, straightening up, looking at her, wiping off his tears.

- ... It's a long story, but it doesn't matter now. - she smiled, caressing his hair - Are you better?

- I-I am after you said that... bu-but-

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