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On Sunday I went back home to my house, I was terrified I wasn't sure whether to just get it over with and tell my parents or just to keep it a secret. Becca said she would be there with me whenever or however I decided to tell them. Becca's mom already knew she could tell that something was wrong, her being the most supportive said no matter what she would be there for me. I called Becca and asked if she could come over, I decided I might as well get it over with. 

Once Becca arrived I asked my parents to sit down. "Okay mom, dad there is no easy way to do this so I'm just going to say it.......I'm pregnant.". The look on my parents face told me this was not going to end well. My mother was the first one to speak, "Who is the father, that boy you been sneaking around with? How could you be so stupid? You have ruined the reputation of this family it's not just about you think about what your brother and sister are going to have to go though?", I just stood there, my mother was actually more worried about my siblings then me. And of course it was all about the family name, you have got to be fucking kidding me. 

All my father said to me was "Get out", so me and Becca went to my room and packed up my stuff. I was now going to be living with Becca and her mom. Once I left that house I never looked back. I would talk to my brother and sister at school, but never once called my parents. As far as I was considered they were dead. 

For most of my sophomore year I was pregnant, it was getting hard to walk up and down the stairs but I did it. Draven and me dated for most of my pregnancy he was a good guy, but everyone thought he was the dad, getting pressure from people at school then his parents so we decided to go our separate ways, but remained friends. Everyone would ask me who the dad was but I would never tell, the only person who knew was taking it to her grave until the time come for me to say my self . 

I was in the home stretch my last two weeks and my baby would be here.  I was sitting at home, Becca's mom thought it would be a good idea to not go to school with me being so close, so Becca would get all my assignments from the teachers so I can stay on top of things. Becca's mom explained to the school what was going on, they were surprisingly okay with it. As I was watching tv on the couch I got a sharp pain, so I hollered for mom. Just as she stood me up, my water broke. 

Once at the hospital and checked in Mom called the school so that Becca could be here with me. The doctor's kept checking me, the pain was unbearable but I knew it wasn't going to last forever. After about 10 hours of labor, she was here. She was beautiful with dark hair, hazel eyes. She looked just like her father. Ashley Nicole Sixx. 

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