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Its a typical Sunday morning...I wake up to Ash laying in bed with me. She is a precious, beautiful little girl. As I lay there looking at her my mind begins to wonder, who I am going to tell Nikki or even be able to get her to understand that he is her dad. It's been me and her all these years as well as her auntie B, as she calls her. Now Nikki shows up, I have made a mess out of everything. 

Once everyone is up I go into the kitchen and make breakfast for everyone. Ash is sitting in the living room watching cartoons, eating breakfast. Me and Becca are sitting at the table in the kitchen talking, "So do you think you should reach out to Nikki ?", "Becca, I seriously don't know what to do....I know I need to tell him but I doubt he will even believe me", "Why would he not believe you?", "Do you know how many girls have probably said that he is the father of a kid? Probably a thousand groupies, I honestly don't want him to think that I am after something, I don't want his money, I just want him to be here for Ash", "Then tell him that". 

Becca went to get a shower, and I began cleaning up the kitchen. The phone rang so I dried my hands and answered it, "Hello", "Hey Rylynn...its Nikki", "Hey I figured you would never call", "Why", "Because you were pretty out of it last night", I replied with a giggle. "Yeah I was, but I remember...so you busy today?", "I have a few things to do around here but you are welcome to stop over, if you want", "Sounds cool give your address I will stop by". Well the moment of truth, he is going to meet his daughter today. 

After a few hours there was a knock on the door, I look at Becca she nods her head towards the door for me to answer it. She stayed seated at the table while I got up to answer it. Ash followed behind and when I opened the door she stood behind me with a death grip around my waist, kind of hiding her face by peaking around me to look. "Hey", "Hey Nikki, come on in", "I didn't know you had a little one, hey princess how are you?", he kind of bends down to look at her. Ash just hides her face. "Ash go play in your room, but say Hi first okay?", she gives a wave and takes off to her room. "She is beautiful Ry, how old is she?", "She is 8, she looks like her dad", I just look at Nikki, I can't quite figure out if he is trying to put two and two together or not. "Wait, she is 8?", "Yeah", "When was the first time we met?", "We met in 85, she was born in 86", I look at Nikki and I think it finally clicks. "There is no fucking way", "If you are asking me, then yes she is your daughter Nikki. I tried to reach you, I will even go as far as saying DNA test if you want", "I don't know what to say", he is starting to look like he is getting upset. "What the fuck, so why now? You want money since I am so popular now?", now my blood is boiling. "Fuck your money, I work and take care of her and have been for 8 years, I want her to have her dad but you seem to find it inconvenient for you, so you can go, we will be just fine". I walk to the door and open it for Nikki to leave, which he does with a pissed off face and a shake of his head. 

I just look at Becca, " Well that went great". 

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