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The year is 1994, my beautiful Ash is 8 years old. Looks more and more like Nikki everyday. Me and Becca have decided to move to California and share a three bedroom house together. Motley Crue is even bigger then they were in the 80's, I tried to get in touch with Nikki after Ash was born but I never got a answer or a reply so I just gave up on it. 

Becca and I are currently working for company, that is basically a call center. Because of Ash, I work first shift, Becca works second shift. Once in awhile we will get a babysitter if we decide to go out on a Friday or Saturday night. So this is one of those weekends, we decided to go out to the Whiskey on a Saturday night. 

We got ready and headed out at 9 pm when all the fun would be starting. When we got there, we stood in line. When we finally made it in, we headed straight for the bar. "Hey girls what can I get ya?", "Jack n coke and a vodka cranberry", I replied. As we sit on the bar stools looking around, I noticed some noise coming from the far back where there is a booth. From what I can see it looks like a bunch of guys wearing leather, and a few females. I can't make out who it is, so I just turned back around to face the bar talking to Becca. 

As the night went on and four drinks later, I was feeling pretty good. Becca had asked if I was ready to head out since it was pushing 1 am. I nodded but before we could even get up, two very tall guys walk up to the bar beside us. "Hey can we get you guys a drink?", the very tall lanky one asks, "Sorry we are getting ready to leave", I replied, "C'mon just one before you go", I nodded "Okay just one more". So the lanky one moved to the other side beside Becca and begins to talk to her. And his friend sits beside me, "So can I at least get your name?", I turned and looked at the man talking to me. Wait a minute....he looks very familiar. OH MY GOD.....its Nikki. 

So I look to my left and there he was Tommy talking to Becca, what the fuck. So I nudge Becca's arm, and she looks over at me and I whisper in her ear, "dude its Nikki and Tommy", she was completely drunk that she didn't realize who we were talking too. Her eyes went wide, so mouthed to her 'what the fuck'.  So instead of freaking out, I decided to just talk to Nikki. 

"So am I going to get your name doll?", "Yeah sorry, its Rylynn", "Wow I meet a Rylynn once", "Yeah I know we meet in '85", "No fucking way", I just nodded. "Hey T-bone this is that chick I told you about", "No fucking way", Tommy says. They were talking about me, what the hell is that mean. "So how you been kid?", "Umm....good just moved out here about year ago", "Nice well we are going to have to keep in touch", "Yeah definitely, here is my number", I wrote it down on a napkin and slide it over to him. He is so fucked up he probably won't even remember this conversation. But hey why not take a chance. After we finished our drinks, we let the guys know we are heading out. We have them hugs and proceeded to walk out on to the side walk, as soon as we do I light up a cigarette. "Why didn't you tell him?", Becca slurs. "Because I doubt he would even remember us talking after tonight", Becca just nodded and we headed home. 

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