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So the days leading up to the test being done Nikki would come over and visit as much as possible, he was currently working on a new album with the guys. Nikki was asking questions about Ashley, her birth, and most importantly her birth certificate. Rylynn explained to him that he was listed as the father and she does have his last name. Nikki asked the most important question of all when it came it Ashley, was Rylynn sure of her father, at first Rylynn was upset but she understood why he asked, and she explained to him she was not sexually active except for being with him. Nikki understood what she was saying.

Today is the day of the test, Rylynn requested for the day off, and Ashley went to school for a partial day. Becca said that she would come along for moral support. Becca didn't have any bad feelings towards Nikki, she loved the fact he was showing up, putting in the effort before the test was even being done. Becca knew her best friend, she wouldn't just pin a child on someone unless it was true. It was time to pick up Ashley and head to the test center.

When we walked in it was very white, very hospital type feeling. As we walked up to the desk, I saw Nikki sitting in one of the chairs across from it. Ashley immediately ran over to him, she threw her little arms around his neck. He gave her a big hug, kissed her cheek. When I looked back at the nurse she gave me a unreadable look, I just continued with what I was doing. Once we got into the room Nikki went in first, we had to wait outside the room, then they asked me to take Ashley in but she refused to go in, she wanted me and Nikki both, so the nurse made an exception and let Nikki stay. I had Ashley on my lap, Nikki was holding her little hand. 

Once the testing was over the nurse told us that we know results in two weeks, they would send them though the mail. Nikki decided that since Ash did such a good job that we should go out for some ice cream, so the four went to a little ice cream shop down from the testing center. Becca decided to have a chat with Nikki while me and Ash went to the restroom. "Listen Nikki while we got a second you know there is no way to deny Ash is yours, she looks a lot like you", "Yeah I have seen it, but when I requested for the test it was before I have had time to spend with her, and see her so much. When I did it I was pissed, thought maybe she was just trying to get something out of me, but she is great with Ash and doing well without my help. Of course that doesn't mean I am not going to be there now", "I am really happy for the both of you, do you see the two of you be coming more then what you are now?", gotta love the best friend just jumping in there to find out. "I don't know honestly I love spending time with her and Ash, so who knows". 

Becca never told Ry anything about their conversation it was just her way of finding out details, but deep down she had a feeling this was going to be a lot more then being parents. She definitely could see a spark between them, and when that got lit there was going to be fireworks. 

NEVER TELL// N.S.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt