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The last month has went by fairly quick, Nikki will be leaving in a couple days. Ash and I will be heading back home the morning that Nikki leaves. Which I will admit is going to be hard to say good bye, because not seeing him for 6 months is going to take a toll on all of us. 

The night before Nikki leaves for the tour, we are all in the living room playing some board games. Which was Ashley's decision, we are all having a blast. Then it was time the Ash to head to bed. Once we got her all tucked in, we headed for the living room, me and Nikki are relaxing on the couch, sharing a bottle of wine. Talking about everything while he is gone, I had my legs stretched across Nikki's lap, he had his hand resting on the top of my thigh. I laid my head back on couch, just enjoying the relaxation when I felt Nikki shift his body, "Baby"....I look back at him and he is holding a little box. My eyes went wide, this is some kind of dream this isn't real, I fell asleep. He opened the box, "Rylynn will you marry me?", I just stared at him, in shock, what do I say? When I finally find my voice, "I...I..." "Can I think about it?", "Yes baby I know its very sudden, listen just think about it, but in the mean time", he takes the ring out and places it on my finger, "Just keep it with you". 

To say I was in shock was an understatement, I never really saw myself as the marrying type. But I know have something to think about while he is gone. And sleep well that was not happening tonight. No more how much we drank or had sex. I was scared. I was nervous. I know all about Nikki and his reputation do I really want to be trapped or unable to get away? It scared me, to be in that position again, I vowed that I would never do it again. But would that be a problem with Nikki? I guess if this happening I would have to tell him everything and I just don't think I'm ready. 

A/N: Its a short chapter I know, but some of the other ones are going to be longer.  

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