~ Chapter 16 ~

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~ Lucinda's POV ~
"-inda? Lucinda! Wake up!"
I groan and clutch my aching head, I eventually open my eyes, preparing for a bright light, but there's only darkness, the only light is coming from a TV-like shape to the right...

"Aph? What is thi-" I gasp, the screen starts showing something...something through someone's eyes..."Well hello, it's been awhile since you've been out, how have you been?" I hear my voice say "It's been horrible, three solid months of pure darkness, forced to watch through Lucy's eyes while I helplessly fail again and again to gain control."

"Well, sounds horrid." Yet he doesn't sound remorseful in the slightest, "-you do remember who I am, don't you?" I look to Aph, who is wearing a horrified expression as she stares at me. "Yes, you are Michael, you showed up in a cave three months ago to give my brother potions for Aphmau."

"Good, good. Now, do you feel at all, weak? Like you could lose control at any moment?"
"No, I feel as though I can stay like this for a long time." She- or should I say, I, laugh menacingly.

I eventually tear my eyes away from the screen after many other questions, "Aph, are we-?" "Yes," she says grimly. "Zane most likely is, too. Maybe we can find him here...we should look around for a while," I nod and walk side-by-side with her.

(So for anyone who is confused, Lucinda wasn't speaking to Michael, the potion possessed version of her was. And Aphmau and Lucinda are where Zane was in Chapter 1.)

The further I walk away from the screen, the more silent it gets, which makes me more focused on finding Zane. "Aph, do you think the reason he's not here is because he's not possessed?" She doesn't look at me when she responds: "No, I'm sure he's here. I can feel it."

After minutes- or hours, it's hard to tell if you don't know the time zone here- of endless darkness, I was beginning to lose hope. "Aph, he isn't here, let's just go back and wait for-" "ZANE!" I whip my head towards her, I brush the hair away from my face and see her running towards...nothing? No that can't be right...

I squint hard, then, I make out an outline of a body standing, I run over towards the pair. "Zane! Oh my Irene, I've missed you so much!" She hugs him tight, yet he doesn't hug back, odd, considering she's the only one he lets hug her...

"Zane?" I grab him from the shoulders and turn him around, his eyes are misty and unfocused. "What? Zane, can you see me?" He doesn't respond. "What's wrong with him, Lucinda?" Aph's nearly in tears when I look towards her, "I don't know, usually when someone isn't possessed, they don't show up here. But if they are then they do turn up. I don't have any books with me, Aph, so I don't know how to check."

She begins to cry while holding on to him, I awkwardly pat her on the back, I never once got any training on how to comfort a crying friend who is currently grasping onto her best-friend's possessed/not possessed body.

"Aph, come on, let's bring him back to where we were, so we can make sure he's okay and all that." She nods while wiping tears off her face. I expected to carry Zane, or at least support him from under his arms, but when Aph grabbed Zane's hand, she gasped and said he grabbed back, all she needed to do was guide him, like helping a blind person find their way towards somewhere.

We set him down after a while, when I looked back towards my screen it was already night, but i wasn't asleep, I was walking down a hallway with a ring of keys in my hand, the occasional hand will weakly come out from in between the bars, trying to grab me.

I soon reached a cage, which had someone who had their back turned away from me, so I couldn't see who they were, but when the door opened, they quickly turned and I saw Aph. We didn't speak, yet she seemed to know what we were doing.

I kept walking on with Aph until we reached a metal door, a small camera popped out of a small compartment and I spoke to it: "Lucinda-" A gun then came out from on top and pointed at Aphmau,  "-with guest." The gun and robot shrank back into the door, which unlocked and swung open.

Me and Aph entered and stood in front of a desk with Michael behind it, "Hello ladies," he smirked and we giggled, a fake giggle that sent my mind to a wrong place... "You see this?" He slid an image of a house on it, then quickly tucked it away into the desk, "There are currently five people in this house, there was originally eight- including myself- but they left to fulfill their part of our little mission..."

"We will go to this house, just the three of us and we will take a man named Zane Ro'Meave. Terrance Valkrum, my co-worker, has a potion already made for me that we will give this man. Now your job here is to simply hold him still, make sure he doesn't escape your clutches because if he does...I will see to it that I will kill everyone and destroy everything you love! I will make your lives a living hell, do you understand me!?"

He sighed and sat back down is his chair.
"We leave tomorrow. Don't be late."

~ Zane's POV ~
I wake up without the feeling of millions of shards of glass are in my back, I look down at my right foot and see it wrapped in a thick layer of bandages..why? I didn't break my foot while he was hurting me..did i?
Completely forgetting about my supposedly broken foot, I swung my legs out of the bed and jumped on both feet, instantly regretting it after I feel a crazy amount of pain erupt from my foot.
"Yep. I guess it is" I strain out, while trying to contain my yells of agony.
"ZANE! Bud, why are you out of bed? It's not good for your foot."
"What even happened to it? I don't remember him breaking it."
"You don't? Really? That's odd..."
"How long was I out for?"
"For a whole day."
"A day!?"
Ein then walked in, "hey what's all the commotion about? Oh hey Zane." I nodded
I saw Travis roll his eyes and give Ein a side glare.
"Anyways, how do you fee-"
Ein paled and ran downstairs.
"Come on, we gotta get you to your room."
I quickly wrapped my arm around his neck and we made it to my room as quick as we could.
"Quick get your shoes on. There's a pair of crutches on your bed Ein out there for you."
I did as told, afterwards, i grabbed the crutches and looked out the window.
"Hey Travis."
"Look outside!"
He walked by my side and gasped
"Oh my god!"
There we saw Aphmau and Lucinda heading towards the house, accompanied by a short white haired man, who wore a shit eating grin.
"Who do you think he is? ...Travis?"
I looked to my side and he turned around and Wales to the door.
"Hey! What gives, dude?"
He looked behind at me with an expression devoid of emotion and yanked his arm out of my grip, and walked out the door.

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