Your thoughts??????

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Hey you guys 😎 thank you so so SO SO SO much for all of the reads and all of the comments hehe!!!! Never thought it would get so big. I'm getting 1000 reads or more EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!

Reading the comments makes my day and I absolutely love it. Even though I'm unable to take the time to respond to every single one, I do read every single one. You guys are crazy. As well as dirty minded >:( for shame! Lol jk!

Anyways I'm writing this because sadly this story will be coming to an end pretty soon. BUT I realized how many things I left out that I've only known in my head. So I am about to reread my story, edit it as well.

I want to know what chapters you guys want most!! Which stories have you been curious about that might have happened???? Would you like to ask questions? Would you enjoy learning more about the characters? Which characters do you think deserve more chapters???? Let me know!!

This story is pretty much planned out, but I like to make my writing confusing so it might seem weird to some of you. But I just want to clear anything up when it comes to personalities, mental illness, etc.

Again I'd be happy to answer any questions about characters!! Who do they look like to me? What was the inspiration? ANYTHING you guys want I'll be TOTALLY up for! Just let me know 🥰🥰🥰

ALSO here are some future chapter ideas! Not promising I'll get through all of them, but which ones would be your favorites? And let me know in the comments if I'm missing some stuff!!

1. The bowling story from the beginning
2. Mini golf 
3. What ever happened to those bad men?
4. Stanley and Bill at the concert
5. Where did Stanley and Bill go during the party???
6. Did they ever all finally get high together?
7. Greta and Linda

There's so many more things, but these are all I can think of!!!! So LET ME KNOW!!!!!! 😆😆😆😆😆

AGAIN thank you guys so much!! And if you're following me and want me to follow back and I haven't please let me know as well!!!

Okay also PLEASE let me know when I've made mistakes and errors! As soon as I see them I always go and fix it! It helps a lot when you guys do! Again some of you have been here for awhile and you get to see the rough draft. And I thank you for sticking with me. But I want to make this the best story possible for future readers.

OKAY LAST THING! Some of these stories are about REAL LIFE EVENTS OR INSPIRED BY REAL LIFE EVENTS! So if you have any questions about that then ask away.


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