human form

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We where all tired from the day so we fell asleep during 11:00, our job can get a little boring but still a hassle. It hits 12:00 so our free roam is activated. I was tired but I got up and looked at the stage where the others are. But when I looked I saw 3 humans where my friends are supposed to be "hey!!" They all shot awake "what did ye do with me friends" They looked at me puzzled "umm.... foxy are you okay" I looked at the brown boy in the middle "how ye know my name, well ye better tell me where my friends are then I'll need ye to leave or DIE" They looked at each other and jumped away "Oh my god what happened to us!" Said the purple girl. "Foxy what happened to all of us!" I looked at the 3 then I looked tword a mirror and saw I wasn't myself... I looked human. "Wait everyone calm down" I stood there and thought of my suit. My body began to change,  once more I stood and thought of my human form. The others wached, "everyone we can. Change forms!" Everyone was surprised even me. "So what your saying is, we can turn into this every night?" I look to freedy and nodded. "Well I think I'm going to stay like this, how about you 3" I look to freedy "I'll stay like this " I say in my human form. "So will we but we got to change back at the end of the night ok " said bonnie, chica agreed.


I walked with chica and tried not to jump into freedys arms because it was hard not to, his human form was just amazing. Sad thing is I couldn't, every Sunday is girls night so I was with chica all night. Which I didn't fell to bad for the guys, at our girls night they usually hang out and do boy stuff... idk. I look to chica and she looked nice. She had blond hair that went down to her neck, the hair at the top of her head was up a bit. She wore orange lip-stick and her clothes were something else. She wore a small dress that went to her knees, and it said let's eat right above her chest. To the back of her dress she had a small chicken bottom.


I looked at bonnie as she inspected my new body so I did the same with her, she had long purple hair that went to her back, she has bunny ears coming out of the top of her head. She wore the same red tie and pink-purple lip-stick, and her those was a purple vest with a white T shirt under and purple leggings. What made me giggle was on the back of her vest, right at the top of her butt, where was a little bunny tail.


I look at freedy as we where talking about the girls. Freedy had brown hair that went to his eyes and his brown bear ears where to the top sides of his head. he wore his small black top hat, his skin was a really lite brown, he wore a brown vest with a white T shirt under and a brown little bear tail, his normal black tie and brown pants, his shoes where black and kinda shiny.


I saw foxy was looking at me so I did the same. He had red hair that went to his eyes and his fox ears where at the top sides of his head. He wore an eye pach on one eye and he still had his hook, he wore brown shorts that went past his knees a bit. His shirt was a red T shirt that was ripped up a bit. His for tail followed thru the back of his pants. He wore black shoes that where kinda dirty. This is a strange thing to have to get used to...           


I might bring the fnaf 2 characters in. I know everything about fnaf like.. There was a freedy fazebear dinner, that's where the original characters started off. That's why chicas bib says 'let's eat'. Well I know that the fnaf 2 place was made then they closed cause of the fact they had no money do they sold all those expensive characters and brought back the originals and that's also why fnaf 1 is such a dump, and why the power goes out so fast... If there's more you readers want just tell me in the comments okay

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