New beginning

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"That was really messed up dimond" fred said frowning at me. "Well do you want to join him?!" I said smiling at him, he backed away "no". He was scared of me, Well that does happen alot but this time was fast. I saw gilbert walk in with freddy, mangle, and foxy followed. "I geuss he can't die" I say frowning at him. "Ahoy everyone I be foxy the pirate fox!" He said smiling. "What's wrong with him?" Chica said scratching her head. "He lost most of his memory, he doesn't remember any of us" gilbert said with a frown. "So everyone treat him well " freddy said tapping his foot on the ground. "So who might ye all be?" Foxy said with his rigidity smile. "I'm your mom" I say laughing. He looked at me and gave me a huge smile "hi mom!" I almost fell over laughing at that. "Dimond be nice" freddy said pointing at me. "Ya dimond it aint funny, he lost all his memory" chica looked to me excited "all of it, foxy who am i!?" Foxy looked confused "ummm..... I don't know las" chica fist pumped at this success "yes I can have a fresh start!" Foxy looked confused "well now tis is weird" I yelled at him " your face is weird you pile of bolts" foxy frowned "oh... I'm sorry" foxy began to walk away


I wached as foxy walked away and felt bad for him. "Dimond that's not right" bonnie said. "What do you want to fight" Dimond yelled back. "Let's go then!" Just then everyone was fighting each other, and throwing stuff every were. Fred, freddy, mangle, and I began to walk away."take this you golden turd" I hear dimond yell as she threw a plate at me. I was mad and I couldn't hold it in "YOU NEED TO CALM YOUR ASS DOWN" I said in a loud voice.  This just made everyone fight more, so I just went with the others to pirate cove.

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