New bots

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I wach as there eyes shine on and turn tword me. "Hi I'm fred" said the freddy look alike, "and I'm bon bon" said bonnies look alike, "and I'm chic" said the chica look alike, "I'm mangle" said the foxy... kinds look alike. The little boy smiled at me "hi mister I'm BB" I smile at him " hi I'm gilbert" I pat BB's head. "Well hello everyone, I'm bonnie and the others are inside for you to meet" bonnie said smiling. "Bonnie do I lead everyone in?" I said scratching my head. "Ya go introduce them to everyone else and, calm down no one will hurt you, your acting like you owe us" she said laughing. "Oh alright, but I kinda do owe you guys... it's really nice that your letting me stay here " I said trying to smile. "It's ok your a part of the fazbear family now" she said as she hugged me. I felt like my face was going to pop off, my face was warm. "Umm thanks bonnie" my phone began to ring, it was my friend lissa. I got used to calling her dimond because when we played minecraft she would find dimonds in seconds. "Gilbert are you safe somewhere yet?" I speak back in a low voice "ya I did, why what happened?" She hesitated "I packed my stuff and I'm out the front door, where are you staying" I was a bit surprised that she left "I'm staying at the old pizzaria that we used to go to as kids" I could hear that she was happy "Oh my god I miss that place, look I'll be there soon alright" I smile "alright see you soon dimond, bye" I hang up the phone and see it was 12:40, I put the phone away. I felt someone touch my leg, I look down and see it was BB "mister I'm hungry" I pat his head "here I'll go fix you up something to eat ok" he smiled and followed me "thank you mister, what's your name mister?" I keep walking with him behind me "my name is gilbert" he looked at me with a smile "it's nice to meet you gilbert" I don't know what it is, but BB reminds me of someone I knew. I walk into the kitchen and chica was already in there. "Oh hey gilbert, what's up" she said while she was making pizza. "Oh I'm just guna make a pizza for BB, hope you don't mind" she winked at me "no problem dude" I smiled "thanks" and I began to cook

-time skip-

"Alright I'm done, want a slice chica?" She looked at me surprised "shure I'll try one" she took a piece and took a bit, she then stoped as her eyes shot wide open. Her head slowly moved tword me "gilbert....This pizza is delicious!" I sigh of relief "thank you chica, I'm going to go give this pizza to the new people, ok" I walk into the party room and put the pizza down "fred, bon bon, chic, mangle, and BB come get a slice of pizza!" They all walked in and began to eat I was smiling at there complements on my cooking "you guys are all so nice, your welcome" but then I heard a knock at the pizzeria door.

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