Chapter two

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This is... Here?

-Bakugou's P.O.V-

We were on the bus, riding to camp. There was three people seeting so, obviously, I sat with my boyfriends. Me in the middle of course.

"Kacchan, how do you think the bed rooms are there?" Asked Deku.

"I don't know, I hope they're big though." I said. Todoroki whispered a question in my ear. "Both." I said, then I kissed him on the cheek.

"What was that all about?" Asked Deku.

"He asked if I was talking about the rooms or your dicks." I said bluntly. I yawned, "I'm really tired. I'm taking a nap."

-Todoroki's P.O.V-

Kat layed her head on Izu's shoulder and fell asleep quickly and I'm telling you, she is the cutest sleeping. Not even Izu could match that. And he's adorable.

When she sleeps her face does this thing where it scrunches up a little above her nose. And her eyebrows go down like shes confused.

-Time skip to camp-

I had to wake Kat up again. She never really seems to want to wake up, but she always wants to fall asleep.

We got off the bus. I carried Katsuki because she was really tired.

"Ok students, you have the rest of the day to goof off. Go and unpack your bags in your rooms." Said Mr. Aizawa.

I got to about the door before Kat actually woke up.

"Put me down. I can walk." She said. She grabbed the things Izu was carrying for her and we headed to our room.

"Hey Kacchan?" Asked Izuku, "Are we leaving the room tonight?"

She was in the wash room while me and him were waiting in the bedroom.

"No." She said as she walked out in a black bra and underwear with a white opened button up shirt. She walked over to Deku and kissed him.

"Busses make me tired. I feel like staying in." She whined.

"Alright." Said Izuku.

"What do you want to do then Kat?" I asked.

She looked over at me then Izu.

"You two." She said calmly.

Me and Izuku were both blushing again.

"But for now let's just ly down." She said.

"Ok." Said Izuku.

"And this time, Deku, you're in the middle." She demanded.

"Ok-kay." He stuttered.

We all lyed down and cuddled.

Kat put in ear buds and started listening to music. I noticed what she was listening to. It was really loud so I could hear the words.

(O.D.D - Nightcore cover)

Izu tapped her shoulder, "Kacchan? We can hear your music. I don't know if you meant to do it. I just wanted to let you know."

"Okay." She said kindly. Then she turned her music down.

I heard a knock at our door.

"Hey, Kat? Cover up a little for now. There's someone at the door." I walked over to the door and opened it.

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