Chapter eleven

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Hey guys! Thank you for reading all this way. I really appreciate it.

-Kirishima's POV-

It was about eight. I had woken up before Izuku and Shoto but Katsuki woke up before I had. And Haruto and Akari were both still asleep.

"Hey, you wanna come with me and grab breakfast for everyone real quick? We'll leave a note telling them were we are." I whispered to her.

She nodded. So we wrote the note and headed downstairs to get some breakfast. On the way we ran into Kaminari.

"Hey Kam!" I said as he got in line behind us.

"Hey Kiri. What's up Bakugou." He said. Not as a question but as a greeting. "So what was with those kids you brought over here?" He asked.

"Oh, they're my siblings." I explained. I could tell he was going to ask why so I told him. "There was some stupid shit going on at their home so I brought them here so they could leave the drama for a night." I told him.

"What a good sister." Kaminari said laughing.

"Damn right." Katsuki added.

"You wanna blow off my other sisters face now?" I asked jokingly.

"We would have to go up and get Haruto to watch. Only fair to him." She smirked.

"Okay, I take it back. What in the actual fuck?" Kaminari asked confused.

"Nevemind that. So, did anything happen with you and Jirou after the party?" I asked him.

"No, turns out she's gay for Momo." He explained.

"Sorry to hear that. There'll be another." I said trying to comfort him.

"Yeah." He said suspiciously. Then he walked away. That was kind of creepy.

"What's wrong with him?" Katsuki asked.

"I don't know."

We got the burritos and headed back upstairs to give everyone their food.

When we got up there, we found that Shoto and Akari were awake but Izuku and Haruto were not.

"Hey, we got everyone burritos." I whispered as I walked further into the room.

"Thanks Eijiou!" Akari replied.

I heard shuffling around then yawning. Haruto had woken up.

I decided to wake up Izuku. I don't think he'd like to be the last awake. So I woke home up and we ate our breakfast.

"Guys, we're going to have to drop you off at your house in a little bit." I told them.

"But Katsuki has to blow Mei's face off." Haruto whined.

"How about instead, you guys can see her quirk." I suggested. "If that's okay with you Katsuki."

"Sure" she said. Then she made a consistent ball of explosions in her right hand, holding her burrito in the left.

"How's it work?" Akari asked.

"I sweat nitro glycerin and it allows me to make explosions with my hands." She explained.

"How big can you make your explosion?" Haruto asked.

"As much as my body will allow. Though if I use too much force it tears up my muscles." She explained.

"Why?" Haruto asked.

"You guys know how I can only use my quirk for a certain amount of time?" I asked them.

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