Chapter nine

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Hey guys, so this is just a briefing. This is just Eijiou's family cause next chapter there's going to be a family dinner at Eijiou's family's place.

Eijiou's Dad: Good sense of humor
Is very close to Eijiou
Divorced Eijirou's biological mother
Eijirou loves and is very close to her father
Calls him dad

Eijirou's Mom: Mean and ill-manored
Despises her daughter Eijiou
Eijirou hates her mother
Calls her mother

Eijirou's Step-mom: Likes Eijiou
Treats her like her own daughter
Eijiou calls her mom
Eijiou is very close to her Step-mom

Haruto: Dad's side
Eijiou's step brother
Age: 11
Nice and caring but short tempered

Akari: Dad's side
Age: 14
Eijiou's step sister
Eijirou is very close to Akari
Akari is funny and kind but ignorant

Mei: Mothers side
Age: 13
Eijirou's biological sister
Mei is spoiled and brattish and constantly hits on Shoto
Eijiou does not like Mei

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