Chapter twelve

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Continuing from last chapter

Kirishima pov

"Thank you." I say with a smile.

"Mm" Katsuki hums.

Looking at her, knowing what just happened to me, I can't help but know and think she's much stronger than me.

She went through so much, and for a lot longer. She wasn't raped, she was molested. She was hurt and I wasn't there to stop it. She was even thinking of suicide it was so bad. And she's here worrying about me?

"Why are you looking at me that way?" She asked me.


"While you were looking at me, you looked curious." She said somewhat apathetically.

"N- it's nothing." I say, discarding the subject.

"Eijiou, I just told you to talk to me if something was bothering you. Fucking listen to me." She said. Not too aggressive but just enough.

"It's just.. what you said earlier. You said you were thinking of suicide and now you're here, forgetting all of your worries and caring about me." I say quietly.

"I also said that, right now, I don't matter, you do, so stop talking about me a-"

"Please, just let me finish." I cut her off. She nods after about a minute.

I sigh and look at her again, then I look down at what I'm wearing.

"You went through all this crap. People treating you way worse than you deserve. And still, you make time for others. I was in Denki's room and I was trapped and screaming for help. You were down stairs and took some of your own time to check on me. Then you saved me. And then you carried me back here, bathed me and gave me your own clothes to wear." I said. She waited a minute before she spoke.

"I don't matter. Yes, I did do those things. But that's because I love you. You have gone through shit too. You can't fucking go pointing out the good parts of people without realizing the bad. And the opposite is true also. You didn't trap yourself in his room. He did. That wasn't your fucking fault. Now I came up here to help you. Not hear you talk about what happened to me." She said.

I nodded slightly and she embraced me. "Just stay away from him for a while." She whispered into my ear. I nodded and she let go of me.

Todoroki pov

"Izuku, before I say this, you need to know that Eichan is okay." I say cautiously.

He looks really worried. "What's wrong?" He asked in an almost crying voice.

"Denki.. raped Eijirou." I say with a sigh.

He starts crying and I hug him. He digs his face into my chest soaking my shirt with tears. I don't mind though.

"Why? First Kacchan and now Eichan?" He sobs.

"I know" I say comfortingly. "I'm mad too." I say.

"Can we go see her?" He asked.

"Not now, Kat said she was going to talk to her and we could see her tomorrow. They're going to sleep in Kat's room." I explain. "But that means we can sleep in mine." I say.

He smirks a little but it quickly fades away. "Hey, she's going to be okay. We'll protect her the way we do Kat." I tell him.

"W-well, what ab-bout Kaminari?" He asks.

"Katsuki said that Kaminari and Eichan were friends, so we're not sure yet what to do about him." I explain.

"Ok-kay." He says.

Sorry for the short chapter and for not posting as often. But would you guys rather me have long chapters (1000+ words) and rare-ish posts or short-ish chapters (400-500 words) and often posts?

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