Chapter three

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BTW in this story, Bakugou has long hair.

-Bakugou's P.O.V-

I Woke up before Deku or Shoto. Shoto was sprawled across the bed and Deku over his waist.

"Wake up boys. We need to get ready for the day." I said as I gently shook them both.

"H-hey Kacchan." Deku yawned, "What time is it?" He asked.

"About seven." I said.

"We better go to the showers." Shoto said.

"We're allowed in the co-ed ones. We can go in there." I said.

"I don't want you to be anywhere near that grape headed pervert." Shoto said.

"He would try to sneak to the girls side. Or the co-ed side sense you're in there. And Momo to. He really likes her." Said Deku.

"And if he does get into the co-ed bathroom, you guys would kick his ass right? I don't want him to see me naked." I explained.

"Definitely. It's disgusting how he treats and reacts towards women." Deku said.

"Thanks Deku hon." I said. I gave him a kiss. I don't know why I keep adding 'hon' to the end of Deku. It just keeps happening. Eh.

"If I see him going anywhere near you, I will personally throw him off a cliff." Shoto said.

"That's a little far Sho." Deku said.

"Thank you still."

We all one by one got undressed and put towels on. I had two towels of course. We walked to the co-ed bath house and looked for a free space. There was single person baths and a bath that might as well have been a pool.

"Let's get in." I said.

"Kat, you're going in the middle, in case someone tries something." Shoto said.

"Okay." I agreed. Damn, hanging out with them has made me so soft. I'm like super compliant now.

We took off our towels and sat down on the little bench thing in the water.

We soaked and washed our hair, then we got out and headed back towards our room. No one "tried anything" while we were in there.

Once we got back, I started to blowdry my hair still in my towels.

"Kacchan? Why do you blowdry your hair when you could let it air-dry?" Asked Deku.

"It's quicker this way." I explained.

"But it makes it all floofy." He said

"That's why I use the straightener." I said.

"I guess that makes sense. But then it's two machines doing the job of air." He said.

"I have thick hair Deku hon. When I let it air-dry, it sets wierd and it looks bad. When I blow dry it and straighten it, I can choose how it looks." I explained. Guys know nothing about how hair works. I'm not a hair fanatic myself. I just do what is necessary. The extras in my class with long hair do all this other shit and treat their hair like a pet. It's really fucking wierd.

"What does it mean to have thick hair?" Shoto asked.

"It means what it sounds like. My hair follicles are tightly packed together, meaning I have thick hair." I said. I'm super calm today. Am I on something I don't know about?

"Oh, sorry for all the questions Kacchan." Deku said.

"Your fine. You were just wondering." I said.

I got done drying my hair and we all got dressed.

I wore a dark grey sleeveless crop top with noodle straps that was pretty tight fitting and baggy camo pants with black combat boots.

Shoto wore a red flannel shirt over a white shirt and black pants with normal shoes.

Deku wore an oversized grey shirt over a longer white shirt with blue jeans and his red shoes.

"That's cute Kacchan." Deku said.

"You're pretty cute yourself." I said. Seriously, am I high?!

"You're both adorable." Shoto said sarcastically, though I knew he really meant it.

"Don't talk shit icyhot. I'll blow your ass up." I joked.

"That's what I'm counting on." He said as he draped his arm over my shoulders.

"Sho, innappropriate." Deku said surprised.

I decided I'd do the same so I wrapped an arm around each of my boyfriends and we kept walking.

We walked to our first event. Capture the flag. We get to use our quirks at least. I was on a team with Deku, but Shoto was put on the other team sadly.

The teams were...


Midoria - offense
Momo - defense
Tokoyami - defense
Bakugou - offense
Aoyama - defense
Kouda - defense
Ojiro - defense
Kaminari - offense
Ashido - offense
Mineta - offense


Iida - offense
Kirishima -defense
Todoroki -defense
Jirou - defense
Asui - offense
Ururaka - defense
Sero - offense
Hagakure- offense
Satou - defense
Shouji - offense

We started. Once the blank fired, I blasted, flying through the air using my quirk. I crossed the line separating the two sides.

I got to the circle were the flag was and noticed that Shoto had made an ice dome. I blasted through and met Shoto.

"Sorry babe, but I'm gonna have to take the flag." I said, ready to grab the flag at any moment.

"But you're not going to." He said.

"I don't want to hurt you." I said. "That would hurt me more."

"Then don't." He replied.

I grabbed the flag and ran for it. I blasted a whole in the wall of ice. I noticed Deku was running over towards me.

"Deku! Here!" I yelled as I threw him the flag.

"I got it!" He barely caught it and started running back towards our side I used my quirk again to fly through the air when I noticed a short wall of ice moving towards Deku.

"Deku. Watch your ass! Ice is coming your way!" I yelled to him.

He jumped over it and continued running.

In the end we won. There was four rounds. So after, we were all tired.

We went to lunch, the food there wasn't all that great but it was good enough considering it was camp food.

"Kacchan, you did good out there." Said Deku.

"Thanks but it wasn't only me." I said. "You did good too Shoto. Even though you were on the other team."

"Thank you, it sucks though that we were put on different teams." He said.

"Yeah but we made it through." Deku said putting his hand on Shoto's arm.

"Yeah, and, we don't have to worry about it anymore." I added. "We're going home tomorrow anyway."

"Yeah." Shoto said.

We ate lunch and headed to the gift shop.

They had everything. They had jackets plushies and keychains of me. Probably cause I won the sports festival last year. Deku ended up getting a jacket of Shoto. He also got a Bakugou plushie.

I got a water bottle that was half red half light blue. It was merch for Shoto.

Shoto got candy. I guess he's got a sweet tooth? He gave each of us a Snickers bar and we walked back to our room.

So that's the end of this chapter. If you guys want to curtique anything or just give requests or suggestions I'm all ears. Just.put it in the comments and I'll try. Chapter four coming soon

Her Three idiots.   {TodoBakuDekuKiri story}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora