chapter 8

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(Kaida pov)

I sneak to the dungeon, the dungeon design is that of dungeon that usually show on fantasy setting. The dungeon space it self quite wide. Hm? Oh there monster begin to show up, it was skeleton.

>{Skill Sneaking Acquired}


While humming anime song, I use gate of Babylon to launch and attach toward the show up skeleton. Shoot~ shoot~ the skeleton is weak~

>[Shooting Skill Acquired] >[Aiming Skill Acquired] >[Sniping Skill Acquired]

Ohh I got new skill, let activate it~ easy mode is the best. I'm not some battle junkie, I prefer an easy fight, cause I just (former) normal human~

Hm... I want to get skill to fight close combat to be more easy. Yosh let fight those skeleton warrior by close combat. Let see.. I take nameless sword from the gate. I choose one skeleton and keep other skeleton by kill it using gate of Babylon.

I analyst it attack pattern and play with the skeleton for a while.

>[Foreseeing: Anti-Personnel Battle Skill Acquired]

Yosh~ op personal battle skill getto daze. And because I get what I want, I kill the skeleton, thanks for ur sacrifice skeleton-kun~

But sure this place is full with trap, I fall to a trap once. And so I got trap related skill fortunately or unfortunately.

>{Trap detection skill Acquired}
>{Trap disarming skill Acquired}
>{Trap making skill Acquired}
>Title {Clumsy} Acquired

The last one is unnecessary!

After a while I meet a door With riddle, this gate huh ..

『Thou hast to answer my question if thy wish to continue』

  That's what written on the gate.

  『Shonimu is righting the tree, Dareson is eating the fruit, Yurato is planting the seed. Correct our right position.』

ugh should I use satou method here or just break trough with strength? Yosh let just break this gate With forbidden magic! It definitely not because I'm lazy or anything okay?

"{Mythology Down}"

I try to control the output to the most minimum output possible but this magic is sure scary, it destroy not only the intended target:the gate but also it thing around it. As expected of forbidden magic.

>Title {Destroyer} Acquired
>Title {Lazy Dragon} Acquired

That definitely sarcasm, I don't even bother to tsukomi the system notification, Meh.

"This is the place where the demon should be..."

  An altar-looking thing is situated on the depth of the room.

  I'm closing on it...

  The candlesticks around the altar are suddenly lit with blue fire.

  "Fuhahahaha! I appear!"

  A magic circle with purple light emerges from the altar along with the arm demon's voice.

  On the center of the magic cirlce, the arm demon relaxedly rises, no, its whole body has been revived.

  "Muhha~~! In perfection I, am revived!"

  "Pfft... Ur speech funny."

  "Mumumumu! You! Who! Little girl!"

Leisure Isekai in World of Death March(WNversion Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang