chapter 17

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(Kaida pov)

"Nn well joking aside, I really want to ask your reason for doing all of this, Zen the {No Life King}. Can I have a tea while waiting till satou reach here?"

I back to my dull tone. Oh my~ he's dumfounded~ ugh it's pretty embarrassing.. so if you please respond quickly.... Is my acting that weird? I wonder..

"Well I will just take a seat myself. Nn this will do"

While waiting for zen to collect himself I go to where Mia is, for sitting. I place Mia on my lap.


"Haa.. really what are you.."

By the way I don't see Homonculus with serial number 7, I wonder where Nana is~ Mia is still yet to wake up by the way.

"Fumu, If you know my title then you know my story or at last the storytelling tale of it."

"Yes, I been heard of your tale about your revenge to Muno nobility. Is your purpose this time a hero?"


"Hm? Why not going to saga empire, they are the one usually do the summoning of hero"

"Fumu, Parion's hero eh. When I went there, the hero had been sent back home."

"Don't you know that there's a next generation?"

"Ah, so it's already that season eh. However, the time is not right."

"Eh~ "

I wonder what he mean.. is he talking about already in his limits of his soul container? Or about demon Lord season? Demon Lord can happen anytime though? Eh well it doesn't really matter anyway~

"Hey magician-kun, do you really only want to die?"

"The right answer to that question should be no."

"Eh~ now you make me confused."

Hearing that answer, the magician is laughing, a faint one.

"If so, will you listen to my story?"

"sure, with pleasure~"

Hee~ he's not really a bad guy.

"I was a reincarnated people. After the end of my time in my previous world I meet god. Before god reincarnate me he ask for what I wish."

"Fumu.. so what did you wish to that god?"

"Don't you know it? Don't you see it? Yes, I am the king of night, an immortal existence. What I wished from the omnipotent god was a body that won't die, a live without starvation, and power to strike back at unreasonable violence."

Hee~ well the demon god wish is for reincarnated people to become demon Lord to cause mayhem or well I don't really know. So if not wish carefully reincarnated people will have a hard life~

"hee~ and then?"

"The god had let me reincarnated in a body of a healthy baby. And arranged me to be raised by good parents who I could respect, and met a pure lovely spouse who was more than I deserved. I became too accustomed with my new life. Even though I was robbed by unreasonable violence in my previous life, in this life it was done differently."

The magician takes off his hood.

"I was prisoned by a noble who fell in love with my wife and executed under false charge. The first view that I saw when I was resurrected in this figure was the head of my whole family starting with my parents in front of the castle. And underneath them was my broken doll-like corpse of my wife..."

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