chapter 10

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(Kaida pov)

"Okay~ Here we go~. Everyone, follow me~."

  With cherfull voice arisa ack as a leader, Pochi and Tama follow along. Arisa talks as if she's not a slave but a master. If we goes by logic, I was the one suppose the be the lead but, not that it really matter.

   And it was satou that entrusting her to take care of things. And it also works in my favor, not because I'm lazy okay? It because it still feel akward for me to do that. I want to be friends with arisa and all of satou harem member though.

  "First of all, it's underwear! So what kind of underwear you girls are wearing?"

  While saying so, Arisa roll up Pochi's mantle and skirt to confirm. As usual arisa lack the ack of delicacy, or she doesn't really care. Well that just how arisa is.

  "You're lying~ You're not wearing one! Don't tell me, you too Liza-san?"

  "Yes, I'm not wearing an underwear."

  Arisa says, "I can't believe this~", exaggeratedly with both her hands inter-lapping on her open mouth. Arisa look at my direction and come closer, before she can flip my skirt, I prevent it by hand. 💢This need some punishment!

"💢 What are u trying to do?"(Kaida)
"I understand! I understand! So please forgive me!!"

I pinch both of arisa cheek and screech it with no mercy. After a while I release arisa.

"hmph I wear an underwear"(Kaida)
"fuue.. so merciless.."

By the way the underwear I wearing now is modern model un- why do I need to tell that? It feel like some mysterious power force me to give fun service... scary...

  "uwee.. Anyway We will buy underwears for everyone~ Now, let's go!"


  "Oou~, nano desu~."

  Seemingly with no feeling of repent, Arisa just be Soo energic again, Arisa lead Tama and Pochi by hands while walking together. Since the 3 of them are children, it was heartwarming scene.

  "Still, this country's underwear is knicker too. I guess I have to make it myself If I want cute shorts or bra~"

  She seems to be dissatisfied with the selections of the shop. Well even if there magic and culture influence from hero, this world technology still not that high.

  "It's better than having no panties I guess, Liza-san, I'm sorry for a bit."

  After saying so, Arisa hugs Liza waist. Apparently she's measuring the size.

"What about you? Kaida"
"n.. I don't need, have many"
"Okay then~"

  "Uncle, please give me 9 of this size, and 3 for this and that. How much is it?"

  She confidently tries to bargain the 10 big copper coins price the shokeeper named, and she drives it down to 6 big copper coins. Furthermore she also gets 5 decoration strings as bonus. I still wonder how negotiation or hagling skill work, it is influence target mental or it just raised skill holder ability to hagling? maybe both.

  The 15 pieces of underwears are put into a bag.


  "Kuh~ I'm losing to the sweet smells~."

  "Smells good~."

  "Nano desu~."


  We arrive at the food stall location and buy a lot of food. The serious Liza seems to worry about the money usage, I tell her to not worry.

  "Wonder what's available for the clothings~? The materials are from linen or cotton huh~ Uwa, there are clothes from knitted grass too! Everyone, what kind of clothes do you like?"

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