chapter 11

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(Kaida pov)

In our way back towards the in we meet satou, he's making a face like been thinking a lot.

"satou.. something bothering you?"(Kaida)

"What's the matter? Master, your back is slouching you know~?"

  Arisa is standing carrying large luggages. I my self only carry my own luggage.

  "Your tummy hurt~?"

  "Hurt no desu?"

Liza calmly stands, but her worries are clearly transmitted.

  "I'm okay, I was just tired after being so busy for the past two days."

Satou such excuse, It okay you know? you can ask me anything you want to know~? It better than just being depressed cause not found an answer.

Satou whisper something to arisa that was "Tonight, after Lulu is sleeping, spare some of your time", and arisa answer is "Eh~ aren't you falling too fast?"

Well that not really wrong answer but I bet that not what satou mean. After that satou look at my direction, I understand what he wants to transmitted so I just nodded.

>Skill {Attentive Hearing} Acquired

After that we resume our journey back to the inn.

Liza apologizes to satou for spending too much, but satou tell her that it's necessary expenses, and to not worry about it.

  On the way back to the inn,  Arisa and Tama and Pochi eagerly tell the experience in shopping. Pochi and Tama talk about their first time shopping in glee from beginning to the end, they're telling how fun it was.

After spending time shopping I feel quite tired already, I will just go sleep when I return to the inn.
It is just me or I feel that I become like to sleep so much recently.
(Satou pov)

Just before the inn, I'm seeing a familiar back. She's walking a bit unsteady.

Martha-chan and the helper girl from the inn are carrying a bunch of firewoods.

  "Martha-chan, are you returning from errands?"

  "Ah, Satou-san. Is the date over already?"

  "Unfortunately, Zena-san had works in the afternoon."

  While we're talking, I take some of the firewoods from Marth-chan and the girl. It may be their errands but our destination is the same. It's fine to take it by half.

  Liza tries to take it, but I refuse because both her hands are occupied. Pochi and Tama are saying "Give here~" too, but there is no point taking it from little girls just to give it to another little girls, so they give up.

  It's not really heavy, although it's at least 2-3 kilos. It's unreasonable for two young girls to carry two bundles of this each. They usually have it delivered but, it seems that today the amount is not enough for training so they went to purchase it.

  We enter the courtyard from the back door near the stable. I put the firewood bundles on its place.

  >[Carriage Skill Acquired]

  "Thank you~ Satou-san. Thanks to you, we're saved~"

  "Thank you very much, guest-san."

  "Don't worry about it."

  Martha-chan goes to the kitchen with one bundle of firewood. The helper girl, her name is Yuni. I decided to observe Yuni who's going to take care horses of other guest.

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