chapter 14.

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Two days later.

Genisā's Pov.

The sounds of the hospital intercom had woken me up from my nap the fifth time, I groaned and grew annoyed. Not only was the damn intercom interfering with my nap, this uncomfortable hospital chair in my dad's room had my back aching.

I stood up and stretched slightly as I listened to my father machines beeping each time. I sighed looking at his face, he rested peacefully and I gave a small and sad smile. Happy to know he was alive, but the news the doctor gave us yesterday, had everybody bawling

The ambulance arrived on the scene and it took them a good minute assessing my father. They made sure he was breathing before rushing off to St. John Hospital that my mother worked at, the ballroom was scattered everywhere. But the whole family rushed to the hospital also.

I sat in silence with my dress ruined and my face washed off from the makeup I was wearing hours ago. My thoughts were running through my mind wildly. I stared out the window as Saint was driving, he sighed and I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my head.

I shook my head, and sniffled silently feeling my tears about to take over again. I inhaled and exhaled deeply to calm myself, I turned to look forward as my eyes were focused on the road. But mind somewhere else.

"This is my fault." I spoke barely above a whisper and Saint gently laid his hand on top of mine.

"It's not yo' fault mamas. Stop speaking that way you couldn't have stopped that from happening, none of us can." He have my hand a squeeze.

I looked down and small tear escaped from my eye, I quickly swiped it off my cheek.

"I seen someone come in but I didn't even care enough to let someone know. It's my fault, I knew he was going to try something and I could have prevented it. Now my dad.."

"He gone be good, he just gotta be checked on. They shot him in the back mamas, hopefully all he get is surgery and recover good. I promise you I'm here for you and yo' family."

He lifted my hand to his lips and gave it a warm kiss on the back of my hand, I looked over to see his serious look on.

"You know I'm gon' get they asses. That's on my soul." He said I nodded.

"I want to be there to kill that bastard my fucking self, with you. All of them will feel this shit." I spoke and rage was pumping through my veins. I seen nothing but revenge.

We arrived at the hospital and walked up to the floor they had my father on. Saint was placing small kisses on my forehead every now and then, he was trying to comfort me with his words and his kisses. But my mind was just raging, I wanted them all dead. Especially the mastermind, I wanna be the one to shoot him over and over.

The elevator doors had separated and we walked to the waiting room, turning the corner to see my family and friends all just sitting quietly. Zuri was sleeping in a chair with her face covered in tear stains, she laid her head on Zion's shoulder. My brother was sitting next to our mother with his arm wrapped around her shoulders, she was the quietest one.

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