Antony awakened to the sound of laughter outside his door. He stood, drowsily, wincing slightly as he moved his left arm, and made his way to the door, coming out into the east hallway to the sight of Nash racing Prissy down the hallway.
Nash's face lit up. "Antony!" he said. "Hi!"
"Hello, Nash," said Antony, smiling. "Happy birthday!"
"Thank you!" Nash waited for Prissy to walk down the hallway to speak with Samantha before wheeling his chair over to Antony. "Did you get it ready?"
"Shouldn't that be a surprise, since it is, after all, your birthday?" said Antony, ruffling his hair. Nash's face fell. Antony laughed, before leaning down to say in Nash's ear. "To ease your worries, I'll tell you...Yes. I received a message last night that, in fact, complete."
"Good," said Nash. "Thank you, Antony. I never could have done it without your help."
"You're welcome, Nash."
With the curtains of the coach closed, Meredith was becoming quite unaware of the passing of time or distance. That was, of course, the purpose, to maintain the element of surprise, but she was growing almost giddy with excitement, the longer she waited.
She took Antony's hand, looking at him, her expression pleading. "Please, Antony!" she laughed. "Tell me where we're going!"
"No," he said, being equally as stubborn as he had been the other times she had begged him for answers. "It's part of a surprise that Nash has orchestrated for you. I won't ruin it."
She frowned, pretending to sulk, but eventually giving up and leaning back against the seat, her hand in his.
"I am truly grateful for everything you've done for Nash," she said, after a few moments.
Antony turned to look at her, and smiled. "The pleasure has been mine. Your brother is quite the special little boy. He's been excited about being able to give your family this surprise for the past few weeks."
"Stop bringing up the surprise!" joked Meredith. "Take my mind off of it!"
Antony smiled, putting his arm around her shoulders and relaxing against the seat back. "Tell me something...about your past. What do you remember about Borgavia?"
She was momentarily surprised. He had never asked her about Borgavia before.
Meredith smiled, allowing herself to remember.
"Well..." she said, finally. "There was a time, when I had just turned six, and you were six, that my parents had one of their famous parties...a ball where the who's who of...well...everywhere...was invited. The night started out eventfully...My mother caught me hiding in the dumbwaiter in the kitchen, listening to the servants' gossip."
Antony laughed at that, and waited for her to continue.
"I received quite the scolding, to be quite honest, and my mother went on her usual tirade, telling me to think of Princess Isabella and how a real lady should act..."
At this, Antony laughed loudly, and when he was finally able to control himself, spoke. "Isabella was all over the place when she was younger. Riding horses...rolling down hills...climbing trees...Not a day went by when Isabella wasn't in trouble for doing something that her mother said "no respectable lady should do"."
Meredith laughed, before going on.
"I didn't attend many of the parties...I was there for the necessary introductions, but then I disappeared to the upstairs balcony, where I spent my time lying on my stomach, probably, to my mother's dismay, wrinkling my dress, and watching the other guests arrive. My favorite guests were always the members of the House Westerholme. Your father always dapper. And your brother...I think I had a crush on Jonathan when I was younger."

FantasyM E R E D I T H is a princess without a country. Her family, formerly the royal family of Borgavia, has been exiled from their home, forced to live under the rule of the Empire of Astoria. A N T O N Y is a prince who doesn't want a crown. Soon to be...