Chapter 14 Thorn's arrival

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Thorn arrived at the reception and after taking the key of his room he noticed Tharn. He called him and soon his brother arrived

"P'Thorn, why are you here?"

"We will talk about this later, how is it going? Is the plan working?"

"Slowly but surely, I hope that Type will calm down soon and understand how much I love him... should we continue with the plan?"

"Yes... it is necessary..."

"Necessary P'Thorn? What are you talking about?"

"We're poor ai Tharn"

"What? What happened?"

"Economy...I arrived here only because I booked this already and I paid the room."

"Oh God... well, the situation with Type doesn't least I won't have to act poor to make him believe me... but maybe I should tell him that..."

"No, if he is like you described him... he will get even angrier... continue with the plan and let things happen. Clear? I will be here to help you if you need me" Don't worry, it isn't one of those situation like But Type was there and listened to their conversation. Thorn was about to go upstairs when he saw Lhong coming down. Lhong saw Tar and Tam on one of the couch and reached them. Kengkla slowly followed him. 

"Ai Tum, we need to talk"

"o...ok ai Lhong, Ai Tar do you want to lea..." 

"No ai Tar...remain here please..." Lhong looked at Tar, at first the younger one looked afraid that this was another of those terrible games that Lhong enjoyed but then, when he looked at Lhong's eyes... he couldn't see the evil sparkle he used to see in his eyes. Kengkla remained there looking at the scene from the distance. Thorn and Tharn remained there too. 

Lhong knelt down in front of Tum, he took a deep breath and started talking slowly, almost solemnly. 

"Ai Tum, Tharn isn't the reason of your brother's sadness. I loved Tharn... and I'm afraid that I still love him..."

"What are you saying ai Lhong?" Tum said confused

"P' Lhong... don't do that..." Tar said fearing his brother's reaction.  Type arrived in that moment. 

"Ai Tar was his boyfriend...I couldn't accept that... so I did one of the most disgusting and terrible things a human being can do... I paid three men to rape him and they filmed the whole scene and just to make it even more clear that I'm a terrible person I tried to kill TYpe" Lhong stood up and looked at Tum who was so shocked that he couldn't say anything

"Ai Tum! It's my fault, don't blame Tharn or anyone else, hate me, this is the only right thing you have to do..." since Tum was standing without saying anything Lhong turned and saw Type. 

"Ai Type... I know you won't believe me... but the reason why Techno fainted... is... is..." Lhong started sobbing. Kengkla had only a few seconds to think about his strategy... 

"I don't want to hear you! Shut up! Don't you think it's time to stop hurting people for your purposes?!" Tharn shouted but Thorn stopped him before he could do something else. Type came closer to him. 

"Kengkla raped him..." before Lhong's strategy could work Kengkla immediately ran and hugged Type

"P'Type! I didn't do anything! He thinks that he will redeem himself! But I'm innocent!" 

"What is your plan this time ai Lhong? What are you going to do?" Tharn shouted. Lhong tried to avoid Tharn's sight, it was too painful. He looked at Tum. 

"Ai Tum!... ai Tum say something... do something..." 

"Come... with me... " Tum said smiling. Tar grabbed his hand and shook his head

"P'Tum...what will you..."

"Don't worry ai Tar, I'm not the rapist here right?" Lhong followed him until they reached Tum's room. They entered and Tum locked the door. The light were off and when Lhong was about to ask what was going on he felt a terrible pain on the back of his head and fell unconscious. 

Kengkla immediatly ran upstairs, he reached Techno's room and knocked.  He started thinking about what Lhong told him before. He thought about it over and over again. At the end he choose. It wasn't too late, he could confess and maybe Techno would forgive him... but the others didn't believe Lhong so he had a chance to continue with his plan. He knocked and the door opened. Techno opened it and Kengkla smiled at him... then he saw Technic behind his brother... 

Type was now in his room, thinking about what happened and if he had to believe Lhong or Kengkla. Someone knocked and he let the person in. Tharn entered and closed the door. 

"I couldn't imagine that Lhong could be like this... I hope you aren't going to believe him right ai Type?" Tharn said sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"I don't know what to think... this morning Techno called me and when I arrived he was crying. When he fainted Lhong helped me taking care of him..."

"It's normal, he's just trying to look the cute friend he looked in the past."

"but...why did he have to confess? And why Kengkla was right there?"

"He's just trying to... I don't know...but the only thing I know is that I can't trust him anymore." 

"By the Type... I have to tell you... that..." Type's phone rang, it was Khom

"Yes... ok... ok I'm coming..." 

"Where are you going ai Type?"

"I have to go with Khom... we can talk later" Type left rapidly and Tharn started to think if it was better to confess or not. 

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