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          Draco was upset. He felt like something was wrong with the brunette.
He even had this feeling in his stomach earlier and felt stupid for not trusting it.

          When he came into the infirmary a bruised boy with broken glasses came into his view. Draco's feelings were indefinable.

          ,,Potter, Merlin, what happened?" Draco said as he sunk onto the seat next to the boy's bed.

          ,,Ginny came to visit." He mumbled, looking away.
,,What's that have to do with anything? She's the one who did this to you?"
Harry nodded, weakly.
,,Couldn't hit her. She's a girl, after all."

          ,,Why'd she do it? Didn't you two have a thing going on?"
,,Words and rumours spread easily."

          Draco didn't understand anything. What was the boy talking about?

          ,,I had a fight with Ron. He's the cause of why I am in the infirmary." The raven haired boy sighed but continued.
,,I came out. He knew it meant I'd hurt his sister. Called me a faggot too." The boy was broken hearted by his friend's doing and Draco clearly saw it.

          ,,He then proceeded to punch me. Hermione tried to stop him. But he threw her away from him. I asked if she's okay. She only nodded before I received more punches. I almost casted a spell on Ron. Almost. One of the unforgivables. I almost killed him."

          ,,Kedavra?" Draco asked and Harry nodded sheepishly.

          ,,Hermione was obviously furious with me and slapped me. I passed out from the blood loss. Woke up and saw Ron next to me with her. Holding hands. Don't know what came over me. I yelled at the both of them. They left.. Hermione... She cried because of my words.."

          It was obvious that Harry was extremely sorry for what he's done.

          ,,Try to apologize as soon as you get the chance to. They're your friends. They'll understand."
,,I hope they will."
,,I'm going to go, Pansy is waiting for me."
,,Hey, wait."
,,What's wrong, Potter?"
,,Thanks, Draco."

          First time Harry didn't call Draco "Malfoy". Let's say, the sound of Draco's last name said by the brunette lingered in Draco's mind for the whole night.

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